A Cold Kiss

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the reader uses she/they pronouns

'How many days has it been? Three? Seven? It's hard to count the days down here.'

A loud clanging sound caught your attention, your gaze weakly lifting from the cell floor that was covered in your dried blood. You first noticed the dress and you knew immediately it was one of the sisters. With an internal groan, you continued to let your gaze travel up the — surprisingly — silent sister that stood before you. Once you noticed her blonde hair, your heart skipped a beat and you swear you could see the faintest hint of a smirk on her face when that happened.

"What? No begging today?" She teased, gripping the cell bars and leaning in close to them. "If you don't make it fun, we'll just kill you outright."

That's what got you to shake your head, eyes widening only slightly. Sure, you deserved death for breaking in and nearly killing one of the sisters — she had attacked you so you decided to defend yourself — but you didn't want to die.

"Plea— please..." Your voice was weak and your throat felt raw from last night's torture session with the three sisters. "You said I'd have days to recover..."

The vampire said nothing as she unlocked the cell and stalked towards you. Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest when she grabbed your throat and you weren't sure if it was out of fear or if it was just because a very hot vampire lady had her hand wrapped around your throat.

"I can hear your heartbeat," She started, tightening her grip on your throat. "It's racing so fast too; I almost want a taste of your blood."

You swallowed as best you could at the moment, your eyes tearing away from her in an attempt to ignore the hot vampire in front of you. That was a mistake. As soon as you did that, she let go of your throat and raised her sickle. You braced for the pain but it never came. Instead, all you heard was a swarm of insects leaving in a hurry. Letting out a sigh of relief, you glanced back to the cell door, noticing it had been left open slightly. 

[Chapter Limit - Complete] The Dimitrescus x FEMALE!Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now