Haast's Eagle

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the reader uses she/they pronouns

Not many witches could turn themselves into an animal that had gone extinct but, you had somehow managed to do just that. You were able to turn into the Haast eagle. With a weight of 33lbs (15kg), a wingspan of 9.8ft (3m), a front-left talon of 2.42in (6.15cm) and a hallux-claw of 4.3in (11cm) — it was no wonder you were feared by many animals in this form.

Taking the form of an animal that's been extinct since around 1400 took a lot of your energy, not to mention finding prey that would sustain that form was... hard to say the least. The natural prey of Hasst's eagle, the Moa, went extinct within 100 years of human settlement of New Zealand primarily due to overhunting. Meaning finding and eating anything close to its size was hard.

That's how you ended up falling out of the sky and crashing through a castle window. You had taken the form to escape the lycans of the cursed village but, you were already weak and exhausted so this form didn't last long. A cloud of burgundy smoke engulfed you before your body shifted back to normal — the cringeworthy sound of bones breaking and being put back together filled the dead air. You shivered once you were back to normal, the cloak you wore providing little protection from the cold.

With a final burst of energy, you managed to push yourself to your feet and moved into a room, slamming the door behind you. You rubbed at your eyes as you walked towards a couch, collapsing on it and immediately passing out.

"Run while you can, little bird! You can't hide forever!" A deep voice called out, making you glance out the window of your cabin.

With a sigh, you finished putting everything in your bag and left out the back door, pulling the hood of your cloak over you head. You didn't have time to shift so you ran silently through the woods, the shouts of the villagers getting quieter the farther you ran. Once it was silent and the glow of their torches was swallowed by darkness once more, you slowed your pace — drawing your bow and grabbing an arrow from the quiver on your side. You needed to hunt — to eat — before you could even think about shifting forms.

That's what you did, you hunted with ease — sticking to small game to preserve arrows. You managed to kill at least five rabbits before making a camp, skinning them and cooking their meat before moving on to use their fur to make yourself some new gloves. Once you had finished eating, a powerful howl rang out and you kicked snow onto your fire. More howling followed, all of it getting closer to your location.

You woke with a start, sitting up immediately only to be met with curious golden eyes. A scream of shock left you and you scrambled back from the eyes, bumping into something freezing shortly after. Your head whipped around and you were met by a woman in a black dress with a hood hiding most of her face, all you could see being her deep maroon lips that were coated in blood and her pale skin. Oh, and the gold eyes yet again.

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