Accident [NEW]

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Pairing: Alcina x Reader

Pronouns: She/They

Requested by: your-mumxx (i plan on doing a part 2 for you since this could've been better and the reader deserves the date 🙏🏽)

"Hunter, guess who wants his Mommy?" I giggled while carrying the fussing eight-month-old. "He's burning up."

"Could you go to my altar then? It's in the east wing. I should have some medicine for him in there," Hunter sighed, nearly throwing her book as she stood and walked over to take her son. "My poor baby. I take it Alcina's still working?"

"As always," I groaned. "We'll talk more when I'm back."

"Oh, I'm sure we will."

I wasted no time in getting to the east wing, letting out a sigh of relief when it was the third door I tried. 'Hunter keeps her herbs here,' My index finger pointed to a cabinet before shifting over to the one beside it. 'So I'll check in that one for the medicine. I remember Isa saying Hunter keeps the herbs close to the medicine.' After opening the cabinet, I grabbed some cough medicine for the baby and a vial of a gold-like liquid. 'This must be the nectar they drink to help their healing. Supposedly deadly to them in high doses. Lethal to any human that tries it too. Are they sure Costin can drink some of this?'

I quickly shook the questions in my mind away, knowing Costin's parents wouldn't do anything to risk his health — especially with his weak immune system. As I began heading back to Hunter, I sighed at the mess in the lounge. 'Well, now I know what I need to work on soon. I'll have to ask Isa for the name of the maid who was supposed to clean up this mess... Alci's going to be pissed. She woke up in a horrible mood because of the late family meeting yesterday, and now this.' Once I reached Hunter, I took the whining baby from her, letting her mix the right amount of nectar into the syringe before adding the medicine.

"He's going to hate us for this."

Hunter gave a short laugh as she grabbed his bottle. "That's entirely up to how fast you are at giving him his bottle. He'll forget about it in a few minutes anyway."

I giggled and took the bottle, keeping it out of Costin's sight until Hunter was ready. "Well, ready when you are."

"So, how was she after the meeting?"

"In a mood," I sighed as Hunter gave Costin the medicine, prompting me to quickly give him his bottle when he swallowed the medicine. "There you go, Costin."

"A 'She needed stress relief' mood or...?"

"I wish. Karl pissed her off. Again. I was hoping to have some relaxing time with her, but the lounge is still a mess. And if that's a mess when she finishes her work? She'll be in no mood for our date tonight."

"...Do you think she'll ask the question?"

"...I hope so," I sighed, handing the witch her son. "Any luck getting the triplets and Isa to admit they like each other for your little plan?"

"Have you met them?"

"Touché. Good luck, Hunter. I'm rooting for you."

Hunter chuckled and side-hugged me. "Once those four realize that, then we can all be a big, happy couple with you and Alcina as our parents."

"I'll have a grandson if everything goes according to plan."

"Hear that, Costin?" Hunter giggled and took Costin's bottle out of his mouth, earning a sound of protest from the boy. "[Y/N] wants to be your Nana too."

[Chapter Limit - Complete] The Dimitrescus x FEMALE!Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now