Chapter 16

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a/n: trigger warning for suicide and abuse


We sat at the dining table with the guests sitting across from us. Hayden was silent the entire time, and I would sometimes glance over at him, but his expression remained harden. His eyes were glaring over at the unwelcomed relatives across from us.

"I have an announcement to make," my father-in-law said as soon as the servants and maids retrieved our plates. "Emma and I have been decided on this for a while now. We are planning to step down and pass our roles to Hayden and Clara."

I immediately froze at the spot, slowly turning my head to look at my father-in-law. I swallowed hard and almost spit out my coffee when he said those words. I married Hayden not even for a month, and now, I had to take the role as a queen.

"That's great," Ivor smiled, his face elating with joy. It was like he expected the announcement to come out soon. "It's about time for Hayden to take over the throne."

"I don't want it," Hayden muttered coldly. He then looked over at his father. "You still have many years to rules. If you want an early retirement, then pass the duty to Ivor."

"Are you serious, Hayden?" Ivor widened his eyes. "It had always been plan to have you as the successor for the role."

"I told you that I don't want the damn role."

Hayden flashed his eyes over at Ivor who quieted down immediately. My father-in-law's face had darkened by now, unimpressed with how Hayden was handling this situation. I was starting to understand where my husband got his nature from.

"If Hayden doesn't want to role, then I think someone else can inherit it," George interrupted. He twirled the red liquid in the wine glass as he continued. "It would be in better hands."

George was Hayden's uncle-in-law who appeared to be disliked by everyone in this family. He had a smug look on his face that I found unappealing, and not to mention, he kept bragging about his accomplishments during breakfast. No one had the chance to talk, and all he said was how successful he was with his finance business.

I suspected that if he wasn't part of the royal family, I didn't think he would survive a day out there.

"Don't tell me you want to be the King of Nascadia," Hayden scoffed dryly.

"Of course not. It's just that your father still have a younger brother who is more than capable of taking that role."

"Right," Hayden nodded, running his tongue across his lips. "How can we forget uncle Noah? He's your partner in crime."

"Hayden," Joseph scolded, throwing a stern look over at his son.

"I'm speaking the truth. Who wouldn't want to support their friend to be a king if they can have benefits out of it too?"

"Do you know how disrespectful you sound? I bet your Aunt Lottie would be disappointed in you for treating her husband like this," George said angrily.

"Don't you fucking dare mention about Aunt Lottie," Hayden stood to his feet, his voice escalating. The chair screeched back loudly on the ground. I was startled by his sudden outburst that made me panic again. "She would have been alive if you were a proper husband."

"You're blaming me when she didn't satisfy my needs?" George sounded unsympathetic about his deceased wife.

"What the fuck did you say?"

Hayden strode over to the other side of the table before I could react, and everyone immediately rose to their feet as Hayden wrapped his fingers around his George's collar. George widened his eyes, and Richard tried to help, but Hayden shoved him away.

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