Chapter 31

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Ever since the day Hayden confessed his love to me, I found it hard to understand what I truly wanted. My mind was filled with thoughts that were helpless to search for an answer. I thought maybe I had fallen in love with him, but I realized it could be an illusion. I love the feeling of having someone to rely on, and it only warmed my heart to have a marriage that was working in my favour.

I reviewed the task I had to do as a queen. Every day, I would be in my own office, meeting with people over video calls or speaking to them on the phone. The business didn't seem to burden me as I managed to get comfortable with it.

It had been nearly three months since Hayden and I had married. Everything was settled, and I was working to communicate more with him. He still had a dry attitude, but he would loosen it around me. To other people, he kept the cold image that made them intimidated.

"Is there no food to eat here?" Rosie asked as she watched me scoop more ice cream into my bowl. I had been craving for sweets for the past few days, and ice cream was the best dessert to fill my stomach.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed, placing the ice cream back into the freezer. "The fridge is full of food."

"You're eating like Hayden starved you for three days."

"I've been stress eating. My mother-in-law gave me more things to finish, and I have to organize an event by tonight. I don't get a chance for lunch because of the work sometimes."

Rosie didn't seem convinced with my answer as she looked at me oddly. I rolled my eyes, sitting on the kitchen bar stool next to her. I had another spoonful of ice cream, letting the chocolate taste melt in my mouth. The coldness numbed the inside of my cheeks.

A sudden reflex nearly forced the ice cream back up when I tried to swallow, and I instantly covered my mouth, but the slight gagging sound echoed in the room.

"Cravings and vomiting sounds like pregnancy symptoms, Clara," Rosie revealed, looking over at me with suspicious eyes.

"I'm not pregnant," I instantly disagreed. "I can't be pregnant."

"What do you mean you can't be pregnant? You're telling me it's impossible to be pregnant when both of you are having sex often?"

I looked around, seeing if there is anyone before whispering. "We don't even have it that often. Even if we do have sex, Hayden uses a condom. I can't get pregnant."

"He wears one every time?"

"Yeah. He doesn't even want children, remember?"

Rosie just casually shrugged, still lingering on the thought that I could be pregnant. It had to be a joke because I did find the pass few days stressful. I would lose sleep and skipped meals when I had a busy schedule. It was nothing near pregnancy symptoms.

As Rosie started to talk about her new semester of online classes, I was starting to think back about the first time when Hayden and I were intimate. My heart dropped as soon as I remembered what Rosie had said.

That night, Hayden and I weren't even aware of any protection until after the argument about children. If everything lined up to this date, then it meant that I had a chance to be having a baby.

My eyes dropped down to my stomach. It hadn't been protruding or anything, but if we did have an unexpected child, what would we do? Hayden hated children, and he would be annoyed if I was pregnant. I could never abort my own child despite of what he wanted. The baby had a life.

"I don't like my history professor. She's so—"

"Rosie," I interrupted, panicking at the thought. She slowly turned to look at me, and I could feel my chest hollow. "Is it possible to be pregnant after one accident?"

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