Chapter 108

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I pulled Clara out of Bruchester and went straight to my car. After we got inside, I drove into the streets, hearing the engine turn when my foot pressed down onto the accelerator. I clenched my fingers tight around the wheel and stared out on the empty street. With the windows down, I felt the wind blowing against my face.

"Hayden," Clara called.

I didn't bother to pay attention. I kept speeding down, honking at every person who was in my way. The anger caused the adrenaline to rush faster in my blood. From the beginning, no one in my family was worth trusting. My marriage with Clara was a fucking game to them.

"Hayden," Clara raised her voice. "Please slow down. I don't want the three of us to die."

Her voice slapped me awake. I loosened down on the accelerator when I remembered my wife and our second kid were in the car with me. I pulled over to the side, smacking my palm against the steering wheel. Leaning back on the seat, I bit my tongue from the bitterness in my throat.

Suddenly, I felt Clara grabbing my hand in hers, her thumbs slowly circling over my knuckles. I glanced over to see her staring down and silent as she tried to relax me. I pulled my hand from hers, embracing her tightly in my arms. My fingers threaded through her hair.

I shut my eyes, sitting in silence with Clara. She knew how to give me the peace. Her presence was enough to stop me from going insane.

"It's okay," she whispered, holding my face warmly. "The people we don't like, we can be less associated with them."

"Why the fuck am I part of this family?" my voice cold.

"I know you will make great achievements, Hayden. Both you and I will change what we can to make a difference in our country."

I tightened my fingers around her strands then stared at Clara. When I took over the throne, I fucking knew that I had to kill the bullshit. I had to burn every darkness into the flames. I would never let history continue under my power.

"It's fucking ridiculous how our families are the same," I scoffed coldly.

"I guess that's why we're perfect for each other," she whispered, her voice gentle like an angel, a sound I could never get tired of hearing.

"We're perfect for each other because we are the only ones that understand each other."

Clara curved a perfect smile on her lips. Fuck, she looked so beautiful, staring straight in my eyes with her soft blue ones. It was the gaze, raw with affection, that appeared each time for me. I knew that for the rest of my life, I would only belong to Clara.

"I think out of everything you said, that one sounds the sweetest to me," she murmured.

She leaned in, kissing me on the lips, and I captured her lips in mine, running my hand down her hair. My mouth moulded against hers as I collected her taste in my tongue, sucking her bottom lip possessively.

* * *

I stopped giving a shit about anything after what my grandfather told me weeks ago. Even when he went to meet with King Bazin and his family, Clara and I didn't attend because it only made me sick to know what my family did.

I heard from Jo that Ivor did went to see King Bazin and his family, but he didn't a say a single word to them. My grandfather was pissed at his attitude, and he forced Ivor to speak for the engagement party. Ivor only replied with nothing.

Clara and I were preparing ourselves for the engagement party. Everyone was coming, including close connections that my grandfather had. It was the engagement of the century. The best engagement anyone in the royals could have to secure a good alliance for the future.

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