Chapter 72

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I swirled the wine in my glass, and Ivor came over to me, whispering quietly to prevent anyone else from hearing. I did a nod and walked inside Bruchester to Clara and my room. I locked the door shut before Ivor handed me an envelope. I sat down on my desk chair and flipped through as he explained.

"Aside from the previous information about Zykov, I found that he was involved with the mafia. The mafia focus their business on selling drugs to underage people. Some of the teenagers overdose, and Prince Zykov paid the families to keep their mouths shut," Ivor revealed.

The back of my hand went to my lips. I scanned my eyes along the words, taking in every detail of the secrets. Zykov used money to hide his fucking reputation. If my grandfather found out this fucking mess, it would be so damn satisfying to see his pissed expression.

I ran my tongue along my lips, coating them wet as I read further down. It was impossible for Zykov to even be part of us at this point.

"Prince Zykov once killed an older man on the streets. He had a heavy drink and continued driving on the road. He escaped from punishment because King Valdemar bribed the cops in their country," Ivor continued.

I shook my head at how fucked up Zykov was. He had an entire list of crimes that was a damage to our reputation. He even had scandalous affairs. Just as I expected, he had bullshit hiding behind our backs. King Valdemar was protecting his son to take advantage of our name.

"What are you going to do with the information?" Ivor questioned, standing beside me.

"Figure out a good plan," I slowly raised my gaze at him.

I nudged my head at the door. Ivor nodded, knowing to leave me alone. He closed the door shut, and I sat in my chair with the closed file in my hands. Even if Jo accepted her fate, I had enough of the misery that my grandfather caused for my siblings and me. He taught me how to be a proper ruler, and for once, I would fucking show him how proud he would be of me.

I unlocked one of the drawers at my desk and placed the file inside. I still needed the sweet timing to knock down the bastard in one move. At the moment, it would barely be enough to hurt his reputation.

Returning to the backyard, I tucked my hands into my pockets then stepped down the stairs. My eyes darted over at my parents who were standing with King Valdemar. My mouth glued shut, and I pulled Clara to my side, standing behind my parents as we watched my father spoke with King Valdemar.

"See you soon, Valdemar," my father shook hands with him. "I will have Clara and Emma organize the wedding event. Please let me know if anything is needed."

"Absolutely," Valdemar grinned. "I will have Yana call in to check occasionally. Zykov will be available too if some decisions need to be made."

Everyone was out of their fucking minds in here, and it was fucking crazy when I was surrounded by them. They only thought about benefits. They should just fucking marry each other at this point.

After the event died down, Clara slipped her hand in mine, and we walked into Bruchester to our room. She closed the door behind us then released my hand. She stood in front of me, loosening the tie around my neck.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. "We can always talk about it."

I closed the distance between us, my hand to the back of her head. We stood there in silence, and she easily knew what I needed without a word. I didn't fucking care about anyone else in this damn world except her. My fingers tightened around her strands, and my mind remained on the file. The file that would end this once and for all.

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