Chapter 135

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I rested my chin in my palm, my elbow on my office desk. Staring over at Hayden, I was waiting for him, but he was looking down on his file. I twisted my lips, displeased with how he came into my office for the past few days.

"Why are you working my office? Your office is down the hallway," I pointed out. He raised his head to look at me, quirking his brow.

"My office is under renovation," he suddenly revealed.

"What do you mean under renovation? When did you started renovating your office?"

"Today. I'm moving it next door to yours."

My mouth gaped open, and I blinked, surprised at what I heard. It was so unplanned to me, but it felt like he purposely did it. No wonder he had been suspicious lately. It turned out that he was moving his office.

"That's not going to help us both work," I stated, realizing the distraction. He would never focus if we had office next to each other. He was already distracted when his office was at the end of the hallway. "You would be coming in every five seconds."

"What makes you think you won't be coming into my office every five seconds?" He mocked my tone.

"I'm being serious," I was trying to hold back my laughter. His sarcasm kept driving me crazy each time we had a discussion. "We need to have business and personal matter separate. I barely get work done because you're here."


I rolled my eyes, sighing as I tapped my fingers against my cheek. "When is it going to be done then? I have assignments to finish. If you're here, I can't do anything."



He nodded and returned to working. I noticed that he was too focused and decided to continue with my studies. Sometimes, I could feel his eyes on settle on me. I tried my best to not lose any attention, but it was hard when my husband was like a model sitting across from me.

I stretched my arms once I finished my assignments. I let out a yawn and wanted to head out to not bother Hayden from working. I stumbled onto his lap as soon as he caught my wrist, pulling me down to him.

"Um, what are you doing?" I stammered. His arm tightened around my waist as he kept his eyes on his file. I was locked inside, sitting perfectly still.

"Working," he answered casually. "Is there a problem?"

"No, but do I need to be here?"


I wiggled out of his arm again, but he didn't seem to loosen his grip. I continued to move, and it was no use because Hayden didn't move an inch.

"Move again, and I'm fucking you over your desk," he threatened, his voice low. He then turned to look at me, cocking his head to the side. "Unless you want that?"

I gulped, falling silent at his words and shaking my head in reply. I relaxed back in his arms, and I focused my gaze over at him, watching how the strand of hair fell over to his face. His lips held in a tight line. His dry expressions only made him more attractive because a smile was like a rarity that stole my heart.

"I'm going to get you some coffee," I whispered. "Be back in five minutes."

Without a word, he loosened his arm around me, and I ran straight out to the kitchen. I returned with a warm cup of coffee in my hand, sitting back down on his thigh and handing him the coffee. He placed his hand over mine then tilted the mug back to have a sip.

Royally BoundedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon