Chapter 28

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I twisted the wedding band around my finger as I stared at it. A dry scoff left my lips when I thought back about Clara and her uncle. It was her damn uncle. I didn't even fucking know what got to me. It only pissed me off when I saw her with someone else. A man that was not me.

"Hayden," a voice exclaimed.

I turned my head to see Osahar walking in. He had an arm over a woman, and she was dressed in a low cut dress, showing a deep cleavage. My eyes landed on her face, and I rolled my eyes at all the surgery she had done. Nothing she had was comparable to what Clara had.

This woman was not even one percent of Clara.

Osahar whispered something to the woman before she came walking to me. She had a dangerous smirk on her lips, her eyes raking down my body. I snapped my eyes back her, and she stopped at her steps, turning around to look at Osahar.

"Get the fuck away from me," I snarled at the woman.

"Oh, come on, Hayden," Osahar snickered. He called the woman back, and she sat on his lap as they were across from me. "Veronica is a goddess in bed. You will love her."

"Not everyone is like you."

"Of course. How can I forget that you are pleased by your lovely wife? I saw Clara through pictures that the tabloid took. Not going to lie, she's pretty hot."

"Say another word about my wife, and I'm going to fucking end you."

He shook his head, chuckling as if he heard a joke. "Since when does Hayden Winston care about another woman? I thought you married her for fun."

"What I do is none of your fucking business," I spat harshly. "Don't you think any of this will make me forget what you did to me."

Ivor came in time, and I heard two bodies being dragged along the cement ground. The two men were dropped in front of Osahar and me. The woman gasped when she saw the men covered in blood and bruises. The flash of shock passed through Osahar's eyes, and he ordered the woman away before he glanced back at me, his gaze deadly.

"Remember them?" I tilted my head. "The two who were part of your men that attacked my palace during my coronation. What makes you think you can escape this, hm?"

Osahar remained silent then laughed loudly. "You don't seriously believe them, do you? I'm the Prince of Qaton. I would never do anything like this."

"I'm not fucking stupid. Arnaldo gave you enough benefits to have you hire attackers to destroy me. You know how easy I can track it down."

The attack looked as if it was done by enemies. Ivor and I had men who made the best search teams. Our men could find secrets within hours, and it was not hard for us to find out who was behind the entire shit. Osahar was too fucking weak at hiding his scandals.

"It's only for fun, Hayden," Osahar grinned. "Take it easy."

I instantly went to grip the collar of his shirt, and he was off from his chair within seconds. Ivor didn't bother to come and stop me.

"Take it easy?" I snapped, my eyes staring coldly into his. "You fucking attacked my palace and killed some of the guests. You think this is some fucking joke to me?"

I shoved him back, and he landed right in his seat, his eyes filling with terror. Arnaldo played Osahar like a fucking puppet, and they thought they could escape anything from my eyes. The last thing they wanted was to play mind games with me.

I pulled my gun out and pointed straight at Osahar. He instantly let out a shaky breath. Ivor wanted to come over to me, but I snapped my eyes at him, threatening him to stay away. I had enough of the bullshit from Arnaldo and Osahar.

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