Chapter 124

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Clara was our room, finishing her makeup as I finished dressing Xander for the wedding. I left Damien for Clara to do because he whined so fucking much around me. I was his fucking dad, and he treated me as if I was his enemy.

"What's that?" Xander asked, looking at the hair product in my hand. I curled my finger at him, and he walked over to me.

"Don't move," I demanded, taking the hair product and spraying it over his head.

"It's coming down to my eyes, Daddy," he shouted back.

I cussed under my breath, almost forgot that the product was deadly of chemicals. I instantly told him to shut his eyes or else Clara would lecture me about my bullshit.

"I want to do yours," Xander jumped, trying to reach for the product, but I went to put it away in the bathroom cabinet.

"No," I rejected.

I didn't trust him to do anything with my damn hair. He was still too small to use the products and would accidentally spray it on himself instead. I would never let him be near dangerous shit, knowing what he could do with them

"Why?" He questioned, tilting his head back to look at me. He pouted his lips, the same act that Clara did when she was needy.

"I hate people touching my hair," I answered dully.

He furrowed his brow and scratched his head, as if he was confused with my answer. "But Mummy touches your hair all the time."

"Except your mum."

Xander suddenly smiled widely when he heard me. It was almost a teasing expression that he learned from Abbas, and I wanted to fucking kill Abbas for teaching my son the most ridiculous shit.

I kept Xander in his room to wait for Clara as I went downstairs to call my security team. They arrived early to Winston Castle to help with the event.

"I want all the guards to keep the castle protected," I ordered Thomas coldly. "If anything slips out, I would have all of you fired."

"Yes, King Hayden," Thomas replied. "We will keep the castle safe and protected."

When I finished the call, I slowly raised my gaze once someone stood in front of me. I was so fucking stunned, staring at Clara from top to bottom. She was so fucking stunning in her dress that showed every inch of her sweet curves. Her face barely covered by deep makeup, only enough to enhance her facial details.

"So fucking beautiful," I stepped towards her and held her chin, tilting her head back to look at me. I captured her lips in mine, feeling the softness of her lips as she parted them.

She had a shy smile when I pulled away. Her cheeks naturally coloured by the crimson heat. I was the luckiest man in the fucking world.

Clara interlaced hands with me, and we went out to the limousine. We arrived at Winston Castle, and she stayed behind with Xander to prepare for the ceremony. I carried Damien inside, but he was already sharpening his eyes at me, having the detested expression.

My mother took him since I had to help Ivor as a groomsmen, and I was fucking relieved I didn't start a fight with my own son who was only seven months old.

"Thank God," Ivor sighed when he saw me. "I was worried that I would never see you."

I rolled my eyes at his comment as Abbas chuckled beside me. He had the rings ready while I was in charge of the security.

"I'm not the one getting married," I stated, tucking my hands in my pockets. "You don't need to worry about anything."

"Not true," he shook his head. "You're my only brother. I want you here for my wedding day. It means a lot to me."

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