Chapter 145

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Clara was cooking dinner in the kitchen. I watched after our kids in the living room with the football match playing on the television. Damien and Xander were in the gaming room, playing the PlayStation that Abbas got them for Christmas.

"Daddy," Ella climbed over to the couch, sitting on my lap as I held her. "Why can't I have a sister to play with?"

My lips twitched at her words. Ella was spoiled with love, but she had been bothering Clara and me about having a sister. She saw her brothers playing video games with each other, and she found it lonely. Once she saw her favourite cartoons who had with sisters, she caught on.

"You want a sister?" I questioned, running my hand through her hair.

She nodded. "Two of them." She held up her fingers to show me.

It's been almost two years. Clara finished her degree in political science and put it to use after she graduated. She was busy with organizations and charity events. I was dealing with the usual business side.

We spent as much time as we could with our kids, and I saw how much Ella had grown. Ambrose and her inherited most of my features, and as Clara claimed, even my personality that made them unstoppable.

Abbas and Jo had twins a year ago. He had a second daughter, and I swore he was the luckiest bastard I ever seen, more daughters in the family that me. I was still missing a mini Clara in the family. We had everyone but a mini Clara.

I placed Ella aside, letting her watch TV as I went to see Clara. She was busy in the kitchen, humming to her music. I held her by the arms as soon as she turned around.

"You came in time," Clara smiled at me. "Try the roasted chicken for me."

She fed me some of the roasted chicken, and I nodded, indicating that it tasted good.

"Let's have another daughter," I told her as she took a bite of the chicken.

She coughed in response, her hand patting her chest. Her blue eyes stared over at me like I was saying some bullshit. "It's not funny."

"I'm not joking around. I want a mini Clara."

She walked passed me to the fridge. I caught her wrist and turned her around. Clara pursed her lips then replied. "Even if we are, we don't know if we're going to have a daughter next. It can be a son."

"It will be a daughter."

She silenced down, helpless at my words. I didn't want her to be pressured with another kid since she was doing so fucking good at her job.

"What's with you and kids?" She broke into a laugh. "You used to want any. You said kids were annoying. You didn't want to have that many responsibilities. You—"

I pulled her into a hard kiss, cutting her words short. She relaxed down in my arms, her hands pressing on my chest. I moulded my mouth against hers, feeling her lips part open for my tongue. Only her lips were addictive to me.

"I only want the world with you," I mumbled, resting my forehead against hers. "The things I didn't want in the past, I want them with you now. I have a little girl of me, but I want a little girl of you. It's incomplete without one."

A soft smile grew on her lips as she held my cheeks. "Let it happen naturally then. If we have one, then we have one."

I embraced her tightly in my arms, stroking the back of her head. I didn't want to pressure Clara for having another kid either. She was perfect at her job and made accomplishments. It would be fucking selfish of me to make her drop everything she ever wanted in a career. I left it aside, heading out to eat dinner with the family.

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