Chapter 102

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I groaned, stirring in my sleep as I rolled to the side. My arm landed on a familiar but not the same body. As soon as I opened my eyes, Xander cleared at my sight. He was still asleep, his head at the opposite direction. I stared at his pose, and he was splayed out on the bed, his arms and legs stretching out.

I never had anyone sleep beside me on this bed except Clara. Her scent marked our duvet and pillows, and I hated if anyone ruined it. I felt sick when I smelled another person on our bed, but I was fucking crazy to make an exception again for my own son, like how I always did for his mother.

I tossed the duvet aside, covering him, and he rolled with it until he was in a hotdog pose. I snorted, my lips twitching when he had his two arms beside his head.

I went to the closet and switched into a new pair of clothes. I still had business meetings to follow after Clara finished with some of them. Before I could finish with my tie, my phone vibrated on the nightstand, and I reached for it, holding the device to my ear.

"Hayden Winston," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"King Hayden, this is Dr. Tryst," he informed. "Prince Ivor is awake. It would be great if you can come to Agosdale for further information of his progress."

I rushed out of the room and jogged downstairs. Glancing at Clara and Rosie, I avoided telling them because I knew they would follow right after me.

"Be there in twenty," I said and ended the call.

I slipped my phone back in my pocket while walking to the garage. Clara pulled me back, and she pursed her lips, her eyes filling with concern.

"Where are you going?" She tilted her head.

"Ivor is awake, but he's very weak right now. I need to see what Dr. Tryst says. He might need more medical assistance," I said, monotoned.

"We're coming with you."

"Clara, I'm not going to a fucking party. It's so fucking dangerous there. You're pregnant, and the disease can kill both of you. Stay home."

"Please, Hayden. I want to see what is going on. I'm part of the family too. You can't leave me out of this. I promise to be safe. If the doctor won't allow me inside, then I will stay out," she fired back.

Clara was on my fucking nerves. I stared at them, my hands on my hips. I knew if I kept them here, they would be calling me every damn minute. Ivor had a thing for Rosie Cowen, and he would want to see her once.

I opened the door for them as the car unlocked. Clara smiled and pushed Rosie inside. I sped down the streets, making a sharp turn to Agosdale. Rosie ran inside, and I had Clara close to me, her hand around mine.

My parents were there with Josephine and Abbas. King Basin was sitting with them too. We were sitting on the couch, and Dr. Tryst had a file in his hand. The nurse beside him had the same multiple copy in her arms.

"Why can't we see Ivor? He's conscious now. It means the cure is working for him," my mother quickly spoke.

"Unfortunately, that's not the case," Dr. Tryst rejected. "Prince Ivor is showing slow progression of recovery, but some virus are still in his system, not completely cleared out from his body. He manages to find his conscious, but if the virus is growing faster than the antibodies, he will fall back unconscious again and maybe..."

"Maybe what?" I urged him to continue when he paused his sentence.

He looked around at us, terrified of speaking further. My fingers clenched into a fist, and the annoyance rose in my blood. He was fucking testing my limits here.

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