Chapter 110

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Hayden had a forming grin across his lips. He grasped my chin, capturing my lips in his. The soft texture of his lips, blended with passion and possessiveness, felt so addicting against mine. My body melted to his heated kiss that fired down to my knees. He sucked on my bottom lip roughly. I gasped as soon as his hand grasped my ass, squeezing hard.

"You need to keep your hands to yourself," I grabbed his wrist and pushed it away. My eyes sharpened at him.

"Says that one who touches me every night," he rolled his eyes, placing my hands on his chest. I bit my lip at the feeling of his firm muscles underneath my palms.

My fingers wrapped around his shirt. I closed our distance, wanting to kiss him again, but he wrapped his arms around me, falling back to the grass. I shrieked when he took me with him. I landed on his chest, causing him to grunt.

"Fuck," he cursed. "All you love to do is murder me."

"Your fault," I laughed, tapping his nose.

He turned us over and started tickling my waist. I screamed, trying to fight him off from me. Xander came over to protect me, but I held him instead when both of us weren't enough to defeat Hayden. Xander was laughing in my arms, calling out for help.

Hayden suddenly stopped, and I heard his ringtone echoed. He slid his phone out, holding it to his ear as he spoke.

"Hayden Winston," he did the same greeting as always.

He furrowed his brows as the prolonging silence held. I slowly sat up with Xander and brushed the dirt off his clothes. My eyes stared over at Hayden, and I took Xander in my arms, waiting for Hayden to speak.

"Be there in twenty," he said and ended the call.

"What's wrong?" I asked him once he tucked his phone back. He helped me up as we walked back to the palace.

"Grandfather went back to home. Before he left, he told mother and father that he will deal with King Bazin. He allowed Ivor to be with Rosie, but they have to get engaged instantly."

I instantly stopped walking then turned to him. I thought I was dreaming when I heard that Floyd wanted Ivor and Rosie to be engaged. It was a sudden turnover for me.

"Really?" I asked for certainty. "Are you sure?"

"I don't have fucking powers to make people forget what happened that night, Clara," Hayden reminded. "People knows that Ivor loves Rosie. We can't pretend nothing happen. If they don't get engaged, it's going to be hell for our family reputation."

I pursed my lips, thinking how Floyd valued reputation at the highest priority. Floyd would force Ivor to continue with the alliance, but he still decided to let Ivor be with Rosie despite his bias for Princess Runova.

Maybe because he finally figured it out.

Hayden drove the three of us to Bruchester to join for the family meeting. He parked his Tesla beside the navy blue BMW, and I recognized it belonged to Ivor. We entered the palace, and Xander went to greet his grandparents first. Bertha and Maurice were already present since they were staying with my parents-in-law.

Rosie was sitting there with Ivor. She flashed me a small smile, and I was relieved that she was fine. She was wearing a jabot collared yellow dress over her body. It had a little bow over to the side, sitting around her waist. She matched her outfit with nude heels.

We were about to start until we heard more footstep sounds. Josephine came in with Abbas, and I smiled over at them. My eyes stared over at their interlaced hands. He had his fingers tightly around hers, his large hands securing over her small one.

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