Chapter 126

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Before Rosie left for the royal tour, I explained to her about the latest organization project and showed her around the place in the morning. Bernard took me to pick up Xander and Damien from my parents-in-law since Hayden was still having a work meeting with Ivor.

I finished making dinner then took Xander to wash his hands. As I waited for Hayden to come home, I did a small cleaning around the house. I wiped down the basin in our bathroom then opened the drawers to throw out unnecessary items.

I placed everything down but paused as soon as I saw my sanitary pads. I instantly went to grab my phone, checking the tracking app on my phone to make sure. I was already two weeks late for my period.

I pulled out one of the bathroom drawers, taking two pregnancy tests out. Ever since Hayden and I had been trying for another child, I kept a few in case. I had been so busy with everything that I forgot about the whole situation.

I went to take both tests and sat on the toilet lid for a while. When it was time, I grabbed the tests, taking a look at both of them. A smile formed on my lips once I saw the screen indicating that I was pregnant.

"Clara," I heard Hayden called out. I cleaned up in the bathroom, hiding a test behind my back. When he saw my expression, he furrowed his brows. He came up to me, stroking the back of my head. "You okay?"

I nodded then smiled widely. I stood on my toes, kissing him right on the cheek. "Congratulations on being a dad for the third time."

I bought out the pregnancy test to show him. He froze for an entire minute before he grabbed it to confirm my words. The smile from my lips faded from the look of his cold expression, but he instantly wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me in as he breathed heavily into the crook of my neck.

He pulled away and touched his hand to my stomach gently. I placed my hand on top of his, smiling at him as he stared down.

Back when I thought I was pregnant, Hayden was angry at me because he hated having a child. He didn't want to take a responsibility to be a father, but as time passed, he was slowly accepting the experience. He didn't resist it once. When he saw Damien stood for the first time, it was like a light shined onto him.

"How the fuck do you read this?" He looked at it again, furrowing his brow. "That's all it says?"

"It says four weeks at the bottom," I ticked at him and pointed down. "I purposely bought these test to make it easier. I don't want to visit Dr. Hill again to do all the blood work."

"You're still going to see Dr. Hill for a checkup," he demanded sternly without letting me decide.

"I will think about it," I teased, turning on my heels as I walked out of the door.

He caught the back of my arm, pulling me back to face him. The threatening gaze from his eyes  indicated how serious he was with me. "Don't bullshit me."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my chin onto his shoulder. I nodded in reply and settled into the warmth of his. The huge contrast from the past and now made me realize how much we both grew. We were more mature to handle problems unlike the past.


Clara spent weeks for her new organization. She went with Rosie to guide her best friend around, and they were working together to help royal business. I focused on dealing some alliances that I wanted to cut. Some rulers were being so fucking greedy with their requests.

"After Maisie married Nicolas, Arnaldo is trying to form some strong bond. He wants Agnina to work with them," Ivor told me. I stared at the file in my lap, my fingers against my lips with my pen clipped.

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