Chapter 105

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Our family woke up early in the morning for the wedding preparation. My mother-in-law overtook my place to organize the banquet since she didn't want me to be overwhelmed with the work. I tried to help with the little details, ensuring the night banquet was ready for the guests once we were done at Winston Castle.

"You're so handsome, Xander," I praised as I finished buttoning his suit vest. It was a plaided three piece suit that came with a white dress shirt.

"Handsome like Daddy," he embraced my waist and tilted his head back to look at me.

I tickled his chin with my finger. He laughed in response, and I interlaced hands with him as we went to Hayden and my bedroom. Hayden came straight out of the closet, his suit jacket draping over his arm. My heart instantly swelled at the sight of him in the perfectly fitted suit.

"You're so handsome," I complimented Hayden, admiring him from head to toe.

He was dressed in a black three piece suit, his muscles straining underneath the white dress shirt and suit vest, displaying his broad chest and shoulders. His brown hair pushed back from his forehead, revealing his deep features. He shaved his face clean, and when he turned his head to one side, I bit my bottom lip from the glimpse of his hard cut jawline.

I took the tie from his hand, circling it around his neck. "I'm jealous. Here I am being pregnant and not beautiful." I frowned slightly at the comparison. It was hard not to see a difference especially when he was always as perfect as he could be.

He pulled me in, his strong arm around my waist. His fingers skimmed over my forehead, pushing my bangs away from my face. When I looked at him, he already had his eyes on me, his voice falling into a low murmur.

"Don't you fucking dare to say that," he kissed me possessively then pulled away. "I'm nothing without you."

"I love you, Hayden," I whispered. "I can't wait to attend our first wedding event together."

"I love you," he stroke the back of my head, his fingers threating through my strands. "You're fucking beautiful to me. Pregnant or not. I'm fucking crazy for you and only you."

We made our way to Winston Castle. My eyes loomed out the window, staring at the familiar place where I married my own husband. I stared down at our tightly interlaced hands and the golden bands that we had our fingers.

Once we headed out, Hayden and I walked to the front entrance. We turned around, hearing the loud voice calling behind us. Xander was standing in the middle of us, doing a little wave at the citizens, and they screamed back in response. The camera flashed in our eyes as I waved to the crowd. The journalists were pushing and shoving each other to grab front spot.

"King Hayden, Queen Clara, we heard that a second prince is coming on the way. Are both of deciding who should succeed the throne once he arrived?" A journalist asked.

"Will both of you have more children to help secure the future?" Another one pressed.

"King Hayden, how do you feel about having two heirs now? Are you pleased with having Queen Clara as a wife?"

It was like the question provoked Hayden instantly. I grasped his arm before he reacted terribly in front of everyone. I straightened my posture, confident in front of everyone, as I responded to each question slowly.

"Thank you everyone for your concerns," I told them. "Today is a special day for Princess Josephine and Abbas. We only want to focus on the couple, and we hope you enjoy the wedding."

I intertwined hands with Hayden as we headed inside. We went to greet the guests and thanked them for coming. I was anticipating to see Josephine, especially seeing how she looked in her stunning wedding dress.

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