Chapter 80

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I waited for Hayden to take Xander out from his car seat as I stood on the sidewalk. Xander fitted his little hand in mine, and my other hand held small gift bags filled with presents. I was free from work and decided to make a visit to see my family. It was also a while since Xander saw them too.

"Drive safe," I kissed Hayden on the cheek. "Don't speed down the streets."

"You're my wife," he grasped my chin tightly in his fingers then stole a kiss. "The mother of my kids, not my mother."

I swatted his hand, and he went back in his car to leave. I waved at him, and he drove away to head to meet with the governor. Hayden was busy with work, but mostly, I understood how he didn't want to be too close with my mother because of her thoughts and traditions.

Xander and I stepped to the front porch. He rang the doorbell, and we waited until Phoebe opened the door. I exchanged a quick embrace with her before I stepped inside. I removed my heels then went in with Xander. He instantly dashed to my mother once he saw her.

"Grandma," Xander exclaimed, and my mother embraced him instantly. She loved Xander even if he was her maternal grandson. Her bias for sons were like an obsession. She made Xander her own and told everyone about him.

"How are you, my sweetheart?" My mother cooed, kissing the crown of his head.

I went over to greet her as we embraced. I handed her the presents, and she thanked me, asking Phoebe to take them. Phoebe brought out a porcelain tea set then filled the cups with some fresh oolong tea. Xander had a little drink, but he preferred his juice instead.

"How are you doing with your pregnancy?" My mother wondered.

"It's just the nausea," I answered. "It's different from when I had Xander, but it's okay. I have the sour plums to eat to relieve me from the sickness. It really works."

"It's like when I had Silas. I ate sour food to stop me from being too nauseous. According to Nascadian traditions, it means that you're having a baby boy."

I only smiled at her words. It was the same thing that my mother-in-law said when I told her about it. I had never heard about the tradition, but the mention made both mothers delighted. They had their minds filled with grandsons.

Even though Hayden and I had Xander already, my mother and my mother-in-law hoped that we could have another child. I always believed that Xander would be my only child, but another baby was a blessing to our little family. It made Xander less lonely too.

My father and Silas came back from business, and they went upstairs for further discussion after they greeted me. I went to the kitchen to help my mother with lunch. Xander was following me as he helped occasionally with the little acts.

"Do you remember Ida?" My mother asked as she stirred the soup. I added in the vegetables carefully as I cut the remaining potatoes. "Their family is coming over in a little bit."

"You're trying to match Silas with Ida again?" I tilted my head, my hand on my waist. I knew my mother still had some parts inside her that remained close to her personality.

"Of course not. Edmund is still business partners with your father. Our families meet occasionally to bound, but we don't have any arrangements."

I froze, hearing how my mother didn't take the opportunity to match my brother. She would want our families to be in-laws, but I guessed her expectation raised. She needed someone who could match our status because I was part of the royal family.

Once we finished with the cooking, Phoebe went to open the door to greet our guests. Edmund and his family did a low curtsy as they smiled. They looked the same even after several years. Ida dressed more elegantly than before, and she had stronger makeup on her face, along with the strong perfume scent.

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