Chapter 138

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*Warning: This chapter contains 18+ scenes.


Two weeks of the honeymoon flew by quicker than I expected. We left Amsterdam at night then landed back in Nascadia. Even if it was only a few days into the city, I cherished how Hayden and I could travel together as an ordinary couple. We were not bounded by rules we had back home.

Hayden drove us to Keldon. We left the car as soon as he parked in the garage, and once we were in the living room, I saw Xander and Damien ran straight to me. I knelt down, welcoming them with open arms.

"Mummy misses both of you so much," I pampered their cheeks with kisses. Charlotte and Colton came in with the bags of presents.

"I miss you too, Mummy," Xander tightened his arms around me, like he was afraid I would leave again. My heart swelled at his sweet interaction.

Xander took the initiation to hug Hayden by the legs. I smiled, glancing back and forth between them as I noticed the anticipation in our son's eyes. Hayden stood for a moment before he carried Xander in his arms. I lifted Damien up to hold him.

I went to greet my in-laws before we settled down on the couch. I started handing out their gifts as they each thanked Hayden and me kindly. Although it had only been two weeks, Josephine already had a little larger baby bump to when I saw her last time. Rosie was more cautious with her steps.

I went with Josephine and Rosie to have our regular afternoon tea outside in the backyard. Xander and Damien were occupied with their football match out in the yard. I stared over at them before returning my attention my sisters-in-law.

"Booked the entire Eiffel Tower?" Rosie scoffed, her eyes widening with amazement. "I should have dragged Ivor to Paris instead. We went to Greece because he wanted to see the statues of Greek Gods."

"Hayden would do anything for Clara," Josephine beamed, stating out the truth. "I never expected him to be a romantic person. He seemed very unromantic."

We laughed as I nodded in agreement. Hayden had always found it annoying to do extra gestures for people. He said it wasted his time, but somehow, he found it acceptable with me.

"How are you both doing on your pregnancies?" I asked, tucking the hair behind my ear. "It must be great to finally experience a journey of becoming a mother."

"Please," Rosie snorted, rolling her eyes. Her expression showed the exact inner emotions she had. "I'm trying to not vomit every three seconds."

"You're almost there. By the fourth month, the nausea stops."

I heard Josephine letting out a gag sound, and she covered her mouth. I patted her back, stroking down to comfort her. She thanked me and took a sip of her tea.

"See," Rosie gestured at Josephine. "The worst part is when you want to vomit, but you can't vomit because nothing comes out."

"I'm fine," Josephine pushed a smile across her lips. "Abbas has been really taking care of me. We're excited for our baby to come." She stared down at her little bump, rubbing it gently as her face glowed with happiness. It reminded me so much of when I had Xander and Damien.

After I told them about my honeymoon, I showed them the book that I bought from the antique store. I explained to them every detail I learned about King Jace and Queen Brianna. They were just as surprised as I was.

"Unless your mother knows magic, I don't know how else she can look exactly like you," Rosie commented, staring at the picture of Queen Brianna.

Josephine read through the book then placed it down. "I once remember reading about reincarnation through a myth book. Apparently, in our religion, the God of Iarus is involved with it. People pray to him to ask for a better life next time, but I don't know if it's true."

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