Chapter 24

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Hayden wrapped his fingers around my wrist, pulling me straight down to the floor as we ducked underneath the tables. His strong arm covered over my head, shielding me from the dangers. Our bodies were closely pressed together with the objects flying in different directions.

We were underneath the table with his family, but my entire body shook as I realized my family was out there. I could even hear the cries of innocent woman from outside. Men were groaning in pain, and the gun sounds were only growing each minute.

Within seconds, I heard Thomas ordering his security guards to protect everyone, and they were shooting back with their own guns. My blood ran cold. Tears rimmed my eyes as I kept sheltered in Hayden's embrace. My teeth sunk down to my bottom lip to suppress my whimpers.

"King Hayden," Thomas immediately found us from underneath. "We have some of the snippers shot down. It's our chance to leave."

Hayden instantly took me away with his family following behind us. His hand never left mine, securing it tightly. It was the first time when I felt that he was the only person I could rely on. My body went numb and cold, but to know he was there to protect me, a sense of relief rushed in.

The adrenaline spiked in my veins, and we managed to arrive at a place that I had never seen before. I turned my head around to realize it was an underground basement with soundproof walls and thick barriers.

I sighed in relief when I saw my family with the other guards who brought them in. I instantly embraced them, finding the warmth that radiated from their skin.

"Thank God all of you are okay," I breathed, looking at my family.

"What's going on, Clara?" My mother quivered her lips. Her body was trembling with fear as she grasped my hand.

"I don't know," I shook my head. My heart was still racing as I tried to recollect my thoughts. I turned over to see Hayden speaking with the guards, and anger was escribed over his face.

When I settled my family down, I quickly returned to Hayden, and his hazel eyes darkened instantly as Thomas whispered something in his ear. He gritted his teeth, stripping his suit jacket and tie angrily from his body and tossing it to the ground.

My eyes widened as soon as I saw Thomas handing Hayden a gun. He slid a part of the gun back, unclicking it open to see the bullets inside. He had two spare blocks of bullets and tucked it to the back of pants pocket.

"W-What are you doing?" I whispered, staring at the weapon he had in his hand. The lump in my throat started to build.

The guards left as Hayden turned to look at me. His face was emotionless again, and I couldn't figure out what he was trying to do. My stomach turned sick, having knots that sent a bad signal.

"Arnaldo sent people over to fucking attack us," he snarled. "I'm not letting him claim any victory in this battle."

"Are you crazy?" I questioned with annoyance. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, and I was starting to fear for him. "You can't go out there."

"I'm not asking for your fucking opinion."

"You can't be out there!"

As soon as I raised my voice, everyone quieted down, their eyes staring at me. I didn't care about what they thought. My heart was aching so hard that I could barely breath. The tears were sliding down my cheek nonstop as I contained myself. He didn't know much he meant to me. He didn't realize how terrified I was to lose him if he was out in danger.

"It's not up to you," he spat. "It's my decision."

"I don't care. I'm not letting you head out there," I grasped his arm, holding as tight as possible. "You're not leaving this room."

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