Chapter 95

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"I spoke to the mayor of Llyn. He told me that a weird disease broke out in the town, and the death rate is increasing drastically. The doctors are trying their best to help the citizens, but they're short of medical supplies and assistance because of how isolated the town is," Ivor informed.

I furrowed my brows, pressing my lips to the back of my hand. A sudden disease breakout happened in one of our towns, and it was fucking strange when we kept health standards high. It had to happen when we had other events in the family.

"Send them any supplies and assistance they need," I ordered. "I want the disease cleared out as soon as possible. It will wipe out the town once it gets out of control. If there is no room in the hospital, have other hospitals nearby open for the patients, but precautions are needed first."

Ivor nodded, writing the notes down. "I'm planning to visit Llyn and deliver the supplies to the mayor and doctors. I want to check on the situation."

"No, it's too fucking dangerous. You need to stay back. We don't know the situation, and it's not about you anymore. You have an engagement party and a wedding lined up."

"It's fine, Hayden. We will have protective measures for it. It's important to check on the situation. Plus, I think I need to find the cause. I don't think it's that simple. I'm scared Arnaldo might be behind the mess."

"No, I don't care what you think. You have to stay back. Do you understand?"

Ivor raised his hands up, surrendering instantly. He was risking his fucking life when he was going to get married soon. My entire family would fucking go insane if he came back with the disease.

Clara was pregnant, and I had to be home to look after her. Once she gave birth, I already planned to head down there to see what was going on. I sent some of my men down to investigate, and finding the cause was my first target before the disease spread out.

Ivor made a call to the mayor as he left my office. I shook my mouse, awakening my desktop screen to reply to the emails. I reviewed the disease information that one of the doctors sent me, staring at the new information. It was suspected to be a virus named N1HV23.

"Why are there so many files on your desk?" Clara snapped my thoughts when she walked inside.

She wore a cardigan over her maternity dress, walking in with slippers. She frowned at the workload I had. When she came over to me, I pulled her straight down to my lap. She brought the tray closer to me, leaving down the coffee and snack.

"How many do you want to have on my desk?" I rolled my eyes. "One?"

"Not that many. It looks like you're dealing with ten countries, not just Nascadia," she circled her arms around my neck.

"You should compensate me."

I pressed my lips against her pulse, sucking onto her skin, and she let out a gasp, her palms against my chest. I caught her wrist, and she whined, pushing me back slightly.

"You need to get to work," she ordered. "I have some errands to finish."

"What errands?" I instantly questioned, furrowing my brows when I heard her words.

"Nothing that you need to worry about," she stood up and leaned down to kiss my cheek. "I will bring in more coffee later. You can start working."

"Clara, I swear to God, I don't want you—"

"I know. You don't want me to any dangerous things. It's not that dangerous. Just normal housewife things, okay? I love you."

She left before I could say another word. I pinched the bridge of my nose, annoyance over my face as she left. I warned Clara many times to not risk anything because she's pregnant. We had too many fucking hazards in this damn palace.

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