Chapter 2

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My eyes lingered over at the Prince Arnaldo for a brief moment, reluctant. My mother looked at me, indicating how good this opportunity was. She moved her eyebrow, and I fixed a smile to my lips before agreeing with his invitation.

He grasped my hand firmly in his as we went over to the floor that was crowded with men and women dancing slowly together. The lights dimmed, centering down to us. I had my hand on his shoulder while the other clasped to his. His hand rested on my lower back before we did the easy steps in sync.

Dance was like an innate skill for women in Nascadia. Our mothers taught us since we were young to make sure we were well prepared for any formal occasion. We wore shoes that scratched our heels and caused many sprang ankles. It was a cycle until we memorized each move and beat in our heads.

I could feel the taunting eyes of many other women in the room. Their jealous glares burned at my direction because I was with a prince who was rumoured to search for a wife.

Prince Arnaldo wore a light grey suit which fitted over his tall frame. Brown shiny oxford shoes clicked against the hardwood floor as he stepped. His silver tie wrapped around his neck. The suit was supposed to show his class and properness, but for me, mannerism didn't seem to click with him.

"I'm quite impressed, Clara," Prince Arnaldo praised. "No woman I've met could dance as good as you."

"You're flattering me, Prince Arnaldo," I answered humbly. "I think you're a good dancer too."

He seemed to take my compliment too seriously. His hand slid lower down, almost near my ass. I sucked in a harsh breath, staring over at him, but he pretended like nothing happened. I kept my frustrations and followed through with the dance. The urgency to escape him was growing inside of me. He was a prince, a member of royalty. I didn't dare to destroy his image or my family's reputation.

Women were usually treated with the lowest respect despite of being born from any class. Men could do whatever they desired with their wives, and they wouldn't have any objections. Even if we weren't in any relationship, we still had to deal with the touchy hands that violated our strict boundaries.

The classical music, played by instruments, had grew louder in the room. We were all having a pleasant time, although I could feel Prince Arnaldo's hand shifting lower with each minute. I held my annoyance then kindly took a step back that had him confused. His brow furrowed, while a snicker tilted from the corner of his lips.

"Is everything okay?" He questioned.

"It would be great if you can respect my space, Prince Arnaldo." I tried to say with manners.

"Space?" He tilted his head and just laughed dryly afterwards. "You think for one moment that you deserved any sort of space?"

"Excuse me?"

"Aren't you like any of the woman out there? All of you desire attention from me and beg to be wedded into the royal family. Don't you think it's pathetic to ask for respect coming from you?"

Anger boiled within my blood, and I scoffed with disbelief. He was a prince, for dear God, and he couldn't be any more rude. I was even surprised how any woman would want to marry him. He was very poor mannered, not acting like he was a prince at all.

"If you excuse me, Prince Arnaldo," I remained polite and swallowed hard. "I think it would be a good time for me to rejoin my family," I quickly stepped away before he made any snarling comment.

I held it all inside of me because I knew I couldn't cause a scene. No one could argue against him since it would only bring down my entire family. Even if the tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, I had to hold my composure. I had to pretend I was fine for the sake of my family.

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