Chapter 65

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"You can't be serious," my hands were on my hips as I spoke. My mother was sitting on the couch with all her fucking grace, and her expression was calm as if she had no room for bargain.

"This is what your father and I have decided," she stated, clear and unguilty.

"Decide what?" I spat. "I'm not letting Jo marry Zykov. I don't care if he's the only heir or only human, he can find someone else to fuck with. That's never going to be Jo."

"Hayden," my mother ticked at me. The mirrored hazel eyes narrowed at my direction. "He's going to be your future brother-in-law. You can't say that."

I tossed the file straight to the coffee table, right in front of my mother. She jumped as soon as the file smack against the glass surface. I did a fucking research for her damn sake because she was so oblivious to everything.

"Is this enough for you?" I questioned harshly and pointed over to the table. "Zykov is nothing but a fucking player. He had more girlfriends than I ever lived in this world. What makes you think he would treat Jo like a princess? He's only going to be another Maurice."

"Is there a problem for me to choose my future son-in-law?" My mother ignored the documents in front of her. She still thought that she was so fucking perfect with her decisions.

"It was always a problem. You've done it once, mother. You already forced Bertha to be with a bastard. Why are you fucking doing it again with Jo?"

"I have to choose the right husbands for them. That's the only way I can prevent them from being like Lottie."

My jaw clenched at the mention of Aunt Lottie. I knew that my mother was trapped with the mistake, but it was ridiculous to think she could be a perfectionist with life decisions. Bertha never said shit, but I knew she was miserable in Verdeniao.

"Don't even talk about Aunt Lottie," I muttered, running my tongue over my lips with annoyance.

"I'm responsible for planning her future," my mother stared up at me, her eyes flashing with pain at the nightmares. "I promised your grandma to take care of your aunt, but because of her happiness, I let her chose her own husband, and it ended with her death."

"It's George who made her depressed. Why the fuck does that have to do with anything? If Jo wants to be with the CEO, then let her be. I'm capable of dealing with anyone if they dare to hurt her. I'm not a fucking kid anymore."

"I'm not going to let the same cycle repeat. Lottie pleaded me time after time for her to marry George. I let her do what she wanted, and she ended up dying. If I chose her husband, then she would be alive. Why don't you understand the similarities?"

"Mother," I lowered my voice, shoving back the frustration. "I chose Clara, and fuck, I've been through so much shit, but she's everything I need. Are you seriously going to limit Jo from her freedom like you did with Bertha?"

My mother let out a cold laugh. "How many people are going to be like you? What if Josephine is the complete opposite?"

"I told you that I'm going to protect Jo. Don't you trust me?"

"I don't want her to die when I could prevent it."

"What makes you think she won't die if she married Zykov?" I snapped. The frustration started to rise back in my blood. "If she has to be with someone she doesn't love, it's the same as fucking death."

She shut her mouth immediately. She kept her head low, and I hated how I was bursting into flames whenever we came back to the topic. I sucked in a harsh breath, clearing my lungs from the burning that expanded out.

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