Chapter 112

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My mother-in-law came in the early morning with my father-in-law. She wanted to come see Xander and Damien, and I offered them to stay for breakfast.

"Joseph and I discussed about this. We want both of you to come stay at Bruchester with us. That way, I can help take care of Damien and Clara," my mother-in-law suggested and placed down her fork.

"What?" Hayden furrowed his brow. "No, we're not staying there. Clara is perfectly fine here."

"I need to help Clara recover from giving birth. It requires a lot of attention, and the best decision is for all of you to stay at Bruchester. If you want me to stay here, it's fine too," my mother-in-law affirmed.

"Hayden," my father-in-law intervened. "Your mother is experienced in it. She will ensure Clara is well recovered."

Hayden rolled his eyes. Both choices that my mother-in-law suggested sound practically the same. My mother-in-law would be around us, and it meant less privacy. Not to mention, Hayden didn't like to stay at Bruchester too much. It annoyed him with people around.

"How long would we have to stay?" I questioned curiously.

"Three months," my mother-in-law answered.

"Fucking ridiculous," Hayden grumbled lowly between us.

I shook my head at him, hoping he could calm down. It was obvious that he was displeased with the idea, but three months would be quick, and maybe I could convince my mother-in-law after for us to leave early.

Hayden quieted down, and I agreed with what my mother-in-law proposed. We settled back for breakfast before Hayden and I went upstairs to gather some items.

"We'll be back home soon, Xander," I carried him in my arms as I packed some toiletries into my makeup bag. "Grandma wants to see Damien and you more. That's why we have to stay for a few months before we come home."

"Why doesn't grandma stay here?" Xander asked back.

"Because grandma would be more comfortable back at home. We're just going to our second home, baby. It's no different than our home here."

Xander nodded, seemingly understanding my explanation. He was very comprehensive for his age, and he had never threw tantrums when he disagreed. I was glad that he grew up to be an easy child to handle because I could imagine how complicated it could be if he started getting angry like his dad every seconds.

Since Bruchester Palace was our second home, we didn't need to pack a lot for the stay. I helped Xander brought some of his favourite toys, placing them in his mini backpack. He wrapped his arms around his car plushie, following me downstairs.

Hayden drove us to the palace, and as soon as we arrived, my mother-in-law took Damien in her arms, spoiling him with kisses. Hayden rolled his eyes at her bias, and we went upstairs to our room to settle down. Xander was busy organizing his items in his room.

I placed my beauty essentials onto the vanity. When I spun around, Hayden was sitting on the bed, displeased, as he rested his arms on his knees. I had a faint smile then walked over to him. He pulled me in to stand in between his thighs.

"Three months is going to fly past easily," I assured him. "Don't make it so depressing."

"I moved out since I was eighteen," he revealed. "I haven't stayed here for more than a day since I left. I fucking hate the rules that we have to follow. It's bullshit to me."

"I know, babe. We're happy as a family back at our home but just endure it a little more. You know that your mother wants to see her grandchildren more often. She can spend some time with them too. She missed Xander growing up. I bet she wants to make it up with Damien."

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