Chapter 132

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Christmas season was the best part in Nascadia. Families came together for dinner and gatherings. It was an occasion to build better relationships. I had been busy finishing my term assignments for my classes. When my academics were done, I was occupied with house decorations and gift wrapping.

I secretly did the gift wrapping in my office to prevent anyone from seeing. Even Hayden had to knock before he was allowed to come in. He usually barged inside, but I told him strictly that I had to focus.

On Christmas night, we went over to have dinner with my parents-in-law. My parents joined us too along with Silas and Vernice. Ever since my mother told me about Vernice, I heard Silas and her were trying out their relationship. Obviously, my mother was the most pleased with the news.

"Thank you for inviting us over again this year," My father said to my father-in-law appreciatively. "Adelaide and I are happy to be with the family."

"Of course, Augustine," my father-in-law grinned from ear to ear. "Clara has been great to us. Both Adelaide and you raised a wonderful daughter. We can't be more proud."

My mother instantly smiled with pride, like she won another trophy for training me to become the perfect wife material. "I'm happy to hear Clara is doing well in the family. The most important part is that she gave Hayden heirs to the throne."

I gripped the end of my dress, uncomfortable with how materialistic my mother made it sound. My mother-in-law did a nod and smiled in reply. Hayden suddenly slipped his hand to mine, having a reassuring expression on his face. I tightened my fingers around his then kissed his knuckles.

After our dessert, we went to do the Christmas gift exchange. We had a large family, and it took nearly two hours to finish. I had presents from everyone, and they were all unique. Hayden had his trunk filled with bags, making him annoyed when he had to take all of them back home.

The four of us had our own Christmas present opening. Xander was in love with the art stationery that Hayden and I bought for him. He had more clothes, and his dad gave him another giant electric car that he could sit inside with Damien.

"Mummy," Xander cheered when the black Lamborghini started moving. Hayden was controlling the remote, and I wanted to faint at how much space the car took. "I'm driving Damien now."

"Be careful," I warned, watching him steer left and right uncontrollably. I was glad that it was not the car that he had to press on a pedal or else Damien would be flying out of his seat.

Hayden paused after he played with our sons. He took them out of the car and called Rueben to put the vehicle in the toy room. We seated down on the carpet again to finish the last gifts. It was for Hayden and me.

I unwrapped the gifts to find some expensive bags and clothes. My heart swelled as soon as I saw a tablet that came with a pen. It was what I wanted for my studies, and I couldn't believe that he figured it out before I even said a word.

"How did you know?" I asked, thanking him with a kiss. "I was thinking about getting it soon."

"I saw you looking through your phone," he muttered. "This is the best model with the largest screen size. It comes with more memory."

When it came to me, he was too observant. I doubted he was mind reader, but sometimes, he did knew what I wanted, only because he understood me the best. I was thankful that aside from him being my husband, he was my true soulmate from heaven.

"I love it so much," I beamed. "Thank you."

He nodded, stealing a kiss from me in return. I shifted closer to him and watched Hayden open his presents. I bought him new clothes too, but he was completely lured into the picture frames that were filled with our photos.

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