Chapter 116

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I adjusted my skirt and slipped on my heels before pulling my hair to the side. I suddenly felt Hayden wrapped his arms around me from behind. His lips pressed to my temple.

"It's not even that late," he muttered.

I smiled at him, and I stood up, taking his hand in mine as I tried to force him to stand. His height towered over mine as I bent down to retrieve his dress shirt. I helped him button his shirt, and he settled his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I know," I folded down his collar and straightened out the creases on his shirt. "We can always have more time with each other at night."

"You never have time for me anymore," he grumbled, thick jealousy in his voice.

I laughed at his annoyed expression. His lips thinned as he stared away from me. If I was honest, after Damien arrived, I spent more time taking care of him instead of being with Hayden. Once I was done with Damien, I would be with Xander next. Hayden had the least time with me.

"I always have time for you," I whispered, kissing his cheek. "Promise."

Hayden gave me a slight warning glance. After we were done, we left his office, interlacing hands to walk to the dining room. I took Damien from Violet and cradled him as I breastfed him. He had his fist against my chest, and I stared down, seeing him concentrated.

"The engagement party is next week," I stated, scooping some mashed potatoes for Xander on his plate. "I'm excited to have Rosie join us in the family. We can actually be in-laws. We were close as friends, but now, I can actually have her as a family member."

"Double trouble," Hayden snorted, rolling his eyes at me.

I swatted his forearm, and he easily grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles deeply. "Call Ruth to update your closet," Hayden suggested. "I always see you wearing the same clothes when you have so much things in there."

"That's because there's too many clothes. I can't wear all of them. You keep buying me new clothes, and it only fills my closet."

"There's three hundred and sixty five days in a year. You have less than three hundred and sixty five clothes in there. You can wear a new outfit each day."

He left me speechless, and I just stared at him, helpless for an argument. I realized that Hayden could be a lawyer if he wanted a second career choice. His convincing skills were out of the world to me.

"You always talk about me wearing the same clothes," I rested my chin in my palm. "I always see you wearing the same colours. I should ask Ruth to add in some colour for you."

"You can forget it," he rejected instantly. "I'm not wearing any hideous green shirt like the one you showed me last time."

"It's not that bad. Did you know that attractive people makes unattractive things better?"

I spot a small twitch on his lips. He always took my compliments to heart, and I loved every little bit of his details. From the past, I found it so hard to understand him, but as time moved on, I realized reading his actions and expressions was a second nature to me now.

After lunch, I stayed in my office to finish some work. Xander was playing with Damien by the window still area. Damien was laughing as Xander teased him, and their bubbly laughs echoed in the room. I paused for a moment, glancing over at view of them interacting. It was a sweet brotherly bond that made me proud of Xander for becoming a great brother.

I wrapped up the work in my office then took Xander and Damien back to Hayden and my bedroom. Leaving them in the longue area, I went to the closet, having Violet behind me as I started picking out the old clothes.

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