Chapter 97

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I swirled my wine glass, staring at the liquid that shifted around the surface. My father-in-law went out to accept a call from a business partner. I sat in the lounge room with Silas, waiting for him to speak up. From his expression, it was clear that he had shit bothering him.

"Are you going to just sit here?" I muttered and glanced at him. "I'm waiting for you to talk shit about your mother."

"Hayden," he groaned. "Don't do this."

"Don't do this? When do you want to do it then? Wait until you married before you realize your mother is toxic for you?"

He shut his mouth, and I scoffed dryly, shaking my head. Clara and Silas lived with their mother for too damn long. They didn't dare to go against her even if they disagreed because they valued their family more than themselves. It was a strength but a weakness.

"I'm envious of you," Silas chuckled plainly. "In the royal family, I bet there are more rules and traditions that you have to follow, but they only restrain you. They force you to become more rebellious. It's good thing because at least you have you're freedom."

"Is that an insult?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's actually a compliment. I'll never have the power you do for your life. The way you choose to fight against your parents is something I want to do, but I can never do. That's why Clara loves you. You can always protect her against anyone that goes in your way."

Silas described rebellion as the ideal trait, but to many people, including my parents, it was a fucking turn off. They wanted a son who would listen to every choice they had, every advice they gave, and every act they made. Going against them meant betrayal, and it was nonsense in their eyes.

"Don't make it a good thing," I warned. "It's not."

He shook his head in disagreement. "For a person like you, it's a good thing. It makes you the man that not everyone else can be. Clara used to tell me how she wanted to find someone who would love and cherish her the way she wanted, but I think you gave her a full experience on how to truly be loved."

"Everyone has their own way of loving someone," I stated. I didn't know why the fuck I was being so philosophical, but Clara said words like this all the time.

"I know," Silas let out a laugh. "Clara tells me all the time, and I can see it from you. You only choose to be comfortable around Clara. No one else."

I didn't choose to be comfortable around Clara. It was Clara who made me so fucking in love with her. When everyone betrayed me, it was only her who never once did what other people done. I love Clara because she gave me what I never had.

"You're not a kid anymore," I told Silas. "Just because Adelaide is your mother, it doesn't mean you need to obey her like some fucking dog. Do what you need to do for yourself. You're supposed to make your own decisions, not comply to whatever your mother believes."

A grin suddenly formed on his face. He lifted his head, sighing as if he let out every last hardship from his body.

"It just had to be you, Hayden," he said. "I never expect that you would give me good advice. By now, I think you would be smashing tables and throwing vases."

"Say another word again, and I'm throwing you out of my place. I don't fucking care if you're my wife's brother."

He raised his glass, waiting for me. I slowly clinked it with his, and we sipped the wine. The alcohol ran smoothly down my throat, enough to loosening all my senses. I stared at the glass, seeing how alcohol used to be my only way to escape. The feeling of being intoxicated felt so fucking good to the point that everything was numbed down, but nothing felt better than having Clara in my arms and hearing her laugh.

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