Chapter 122

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I sat in the living room with a coffee mug in my hand, scrolling through my phone. Clara plopped down beside me after she tucked Xander and Damien in bed. Swinging an arm over her shoulders, I pulled her close to me, taking in her sweet floral scent that occupied my nose.

"I love our little home," Clara stated, kissing my neck gently. "It's what I always wanted, and you made it come true. Thank you."

My lips pressed to her forehead, shutting my eyes. "I would give you everything."

"I know," she tilted her head back with a huge smile on her face. Each time she sent me a smile, I was so fucking in love with it. It only occurred whenever she was with me. "Maybe we can back as a family of five next time."

I cocked my brow, my lips twitching as my gaze dropped down to her chest. She followed my sight and held my cheek to bring my head back up.

"Look up here," she laughed, directing me back to her face.

I claimed her mouth in mine, lowering her down to her back. I slipped my hand underneath her nightgown and toyed with her nipples, causing a gasp to escape from her lips.

"Wait," she parted her lips away from me and pressed her hand to my chest. I pulled back, recognizing the concern on her face."What if Xander comes down? I don't want him to see this." She peeked over my shoulder to check the end of the hallway, making sure that our son was not hiding behind us.

"As if he would get traumatized," I rolled my eyes.

"He would," she pouted, fumbling with my collar then whispering quietly. "I saw so many posts online about kids catching their parents having sex. It's impossible for them to delete the scene from their heads. I don't want that for Xander too. He's so young."

"Your son sleeps like a pig, Clara."


I cut her off short. She widened her eyes but slowly shut them as she wrapped her arms around my neck. The softness of her lips drove me insane. The texture blended in so fucking well with the lingering sweetness, and she got me addicted to the way she kissed the hell out of me each time. It was hard to break for even a damn minute, and I knew I forfeited my power to her ever since the day we met.


The early sun woke me up in the morning with its radiation shining through the blinds. I let out a relieved sigh, turning around as I collided into a warm body. I opened my eyes, my sight clearing at sight of Hayden. A smile instantly curved on my lips as I buried my body closer to him, settling in his strong arms.

I took in the strong masculine scent that radiated from his body. It felt so protecting to have him beside me even if we were crowded on a couch. We were close and tight, only covered by the cotton duvet over on our bodies. I raised my head then kissed his jaw gently before pulling away from him.

I retrieved his white shirt from the ground and slipped it over my body. I dashed upstairs once I heard Damien crying out for me. I carried him out of the crib, bouncing him in my arms. He settled down, his slightly hazel eyes staring at me as I kissed his cheek.

"Mummy," Xander ran inside in the room.

"Good morning, baby," I knelt down to kiss him on the cheek. He reciprocated, and we interlaced hands, walking to the bathroom.

I kicked the stool over for Xander to stand on top. He grabbed his toothbrush, independently taking responsibility. My heart warmed as I watched how proud he made me over the weeks. He learned all the best from Hayden, and each time I wanted to help him, he would decline.

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