Chapter 87

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By the end of the month, my entire family was going fucking insane for the annual ball event. It was held tonight, and we were pushed to get ready hours early before. It was getting on my fucking nerves.

Clara stepped out from the closet, holding the sides of her dress. I stood still, my eyes ranking down from head to toe, taking in every inch of her fucking beauty. Some of her hair braided and wrapped around her head. The blue gown slid along the ground and flared out at her waist, acting as the cloud layers underneath. She stepped down the stairs, raising her head to look at me. Her eyes were brighter than the dress.

"How do I look?" She asked, her gaze anticipating for my answer.

I answered her back with a hard kiss, wrapping my hand to the back of her head. She tilted her head, her lips pressing firmly to mine. She was a fucking angel that was sent to me from heaven. I had nothing left to be unsatisfied about when I had Clara.

"My handsome husband," she praised, fixing the bowtie around my neck.

Clara left some words with Xander before we left. Since it was strictly an adult event, we had to keep our son at home with Violet. Bernard drove the limousine to the front, and I opened the door for Clara to get inside. I followed her in straight after.

"It's our first time attending the ball even as a couple," Clara flushed, her smile growing wide. She held our hands tightly. "It makes me think back to when we first met. I can't believe it's been nearly five years. We're going to have another baby soon. Xander is turning four in two months. We have so much to be excited for."

"You and your pink gown," I snorted, rolling my eyes. She was once sitting at the balcony and cried about Arnaldo, but she was now the mother of my kids, my fucking world.

"Are you saying that I looked terrible in my pink gown? My mother had it made for the event. She had the best designer for it."

"You look better with no clothes on."

"Hayden," she whined, swatting my chest. My lips twitched as I grabbed her wrist, capturing her lips in mine. A sweet moan left her mouth as I reached the back of her zipper.

Clara instantly pulled back, sending me a warning glance. Her cleavage was fucking killing me right now when she leaned towards me. I swallowed hard, feeling the blood rushed straight to my cock as it strained painfully in my pants.

When Bernard pulled over to stop, I opened the door to leave. Clara took my hand in hers, stepping out of the limousine. People had their arms hooked, but Clara and I had our hands interlaced, walking to the front to take photos. The tabloids were rushing with their cameras and microphones. I held Clara at the waist, standing as we allowed them to take pictures.

Some men were gawking at Clara, practically devouring her with their eyes. I snapped my gaze at them, and they instantly retreated their attention back. They fucking dared to look at my wife when I was alive right in front of them.

"King Hayden, Queen Clara," one of the reporters grinned. "Both of you are named as the most perfect royal couple in history. Tonight, both of you have stolen the show. How do you both feel to attend the ball event again?"

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight," Clara took over as she glanced at me. "Hayden and I are very honoured to receive the compliments. We are pleased to come as a couple, and we want everyone to have a great time. Thank you again."

Limousines came rolling in with other important guests. Clara and I went to greet her parents and Silas. He attended the event alone, but one of my father-in-law's business partners came. Her daughter tried to shook hands with me, and Clara took it when she noticed how I hated associating with others.

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