Chapter 47: Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves

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(Guyun Stone Forest)

Fu Hua, Book of Fuxi, Sakura Higokumaru, Selune's Elgy, and Kallen were with Aether and Paimon. The duo have talked about going to Inazuma and had talked to Atsuko and she told them that the only way to get to Inazuma was on a ship called the Alcor run by Beidou from The Crux Fleet. They needed a way to get there.

Paimon: How are we going to get there?

Kallen: Just leave it to me.

Kallen  summoned her sword then she put it in the water then ice engulfed the sword and the water began to freeze.

Kallen: Like this.

They began to walk along the ice path as Kallen kept on freezing the water until they reached the Alcor.

(The Alcor)

Angry Man's voice: Wh—Who the heck are you!? You think you could just come barging in here? Come here you!

Two people named Juza and Yinxing walked to them.

Juza: You're... the Traveler? And the Valkyries? What are you doing here!?

Aether: We're looking for Beidou.

Fu Hua: We need to speak to her right away.

Juza: Oh? You're looking for her?

Yinxing: If you really are looking for her, she's up there.

Yinxing pointed to a woman and a boy.

Fu Hua: Thank you.

They went to the woman and the boy at the front of the ship. The woman had an eyepatch with an Electro Vision and the boy had white hair and an Anemo Vision.

Fu Hua: Beidou.

The woman who was Beidou noticed them.

Beidou: Oh, Fu Hua, Sakura, and Kallen. What brings you here?

Sakura: There is something we need you to do for us. But first there's someone we'd like to introduce you to.

The Valkyries presented Aether and Paimon.

Beidou: Hmm? Who've we got here... Wait, I know you. You're that traveler, Aether aren't you? The one who fought against the Fatui and Osial, right?

Kallen: Yes, that's him.

Aether: My reputation precedes me...

Beidou: Haha, Ningguang told me about you. "A traveler of great insight and remarkable skill has saved Liyue," she said.

Fu Hua: Thats so her.

Beidou: She's a hard one to please... so praise from her is high praise indeed. I remember thinking at the time that it'd be good to meet you in person. Judging by the clothes on your back and this floating thing, I guess that time has come.

Paimon: Hey! The name's not "floating thing," it's PAIMON!

Book of Fuxi: Hahahahahaha! That's what she called us the first time we met too!

Selune's Elgy: Yeah.

Higokumaru: It was embarrassing.

???: Paimon... hmm... What a fascinating being. You two give off not only the essence of wind and earth, but also of... yes... the stars...

The white haired boy spoke.

???: And you girls, you've changed. You now give off wind and earth with more than one element.

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