Chapter 60: Duel Before The Throne (Edited)

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There we stood outside of Tenshukaku. Me, Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Fu Hua, Jingwai's Wings, Book of Fuxi, Seele, Aether, and Paimon.

Paimon: So why don't we just rush inside?

Patrick: Because I want Signora to witness an explosive entrance from us. Maybe strike some terror into her.

Paimon: Oh...

Patrick and Kiana: NOW!


The doors blew open then fire and smoke came through then I jumped in first then Kiana, Mei, Bronya Fu Hua, her ELFs, Seele, Aether, and Paimon. There she was. La Signora. No. 8 of the Fatui Harbingers. The Fair Lady. We ran up closer.

Signora: The way people charge in here as they please, so uncivilized...

We stopped when we got closer.

Signora: If I didn't know this was Tenshukaku, I might have mistaken it for some kind of street market.

A tick mark appeared on Mei's head.

Signora: Have you learned your lesson now?

Feeling provoked I fired Pyro from my fist at Signora but she blocked it with Cryo.

Signora: Don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone when they're talking?

We saw Kujou Sara unconscious.

Paimon: Oh no, what has she done to Kujou Sara...

Raiden Shogun: The right to punish Inazumans for their crimes is mine alone. Not yours, Signora.

Signora: ...Then I apologize, Almighty Shogun.

I growled like a beast as I wanted to get it over with and kill her.

Group: Signora!

Signora: I know, I know, you can't get me out of your mind. But you really don't need to call my name all the time. Don't go thinking I'm surprised to see you here. I'm well aware that you all hate me, with the way you all follow me around like a dark shadow.

Red energy was coming off of me. As there was different colored energies coming out of the others. Except Aether and Paimon.

Aether: You're secretly distributing Delusions...

Patrick: You're trying to seize control of Inazuma...

Kiana: You're trying to kill everyone...

Mei: You took advantage of the puppet...

Bronya: You took advantage of your Diplomatic Immunity...

Seele: You're trying to steal the Raiden Shogun's Gnosis...

Fu Hua: You caused the Vision Hunt Decree and the war...

Signora: Ah, so you came to expose my crimes in front of the Shogun?

Patrick: Yes. This time we're going to prove to everyone in Inazuma that you and the Fatui are all criminals! Just like when we exposed your crimes to Liyue!

Signora: Hehehe... I'm just a Snezhnayan diplomat. I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.

I shot fire at her again but she blocked it again with ice.

Patrick: You're a liar! You know exactly what we're talking about! We're going to destroy you're Diplomatic Immunity!

Mei: He's right! We're going to destroy your Diplomatic Immunity to get you and the Fatui out of Inazuma!

Signora: Destroy our Diplomatic Immunity? Please. You've already failed at doing that in Mondstadt.

Paimon: She doesn't take us seriously at all...

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