Was I Good

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Welcome back to the chapter 64 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



"You must die" Shukaku's soft grim voice echoed as a great force rushed Naruto at surpassed speed.

Naruto's eyes went wide and he suddenly gasped

Blood splatter as Kin's bodies tore to pieces right in front of his eyes.


Naruto looked down to the gore before him as blood pooled and Kin's body was all over the place.

Looking at the carnage Naruto looked at Kin's head or whats left of it.

Looking at it for a while suddenly the head moved to look at him getting him by surprise.

"I'm dead because of you! Your weakness killed me Naruto. Just like that day you're still useless!" Kin's spoke creepily making Naruto's eyes go wide.

"No...I didn't know" Naruto shook his head as he stepped back "my blood is on your hands"

"NO! I..I'm different now" Naruto grabbed his head as he fell on his knees. Kin just looked at him pitifully "you're so pathetic"

"NO!" Naruto screamed


"Naruto!" Kisara held him as he woke right up. She slept yesterday stressed as their intimacy kept her mind afloat. She was conflicted and didn't know what to do as fatigue hit her and she fell asleep.

She woke right up to hear Naruto moving about and screaming as he was experiencing a nightmare.

Deducing she knew he was still damaged by the death of the girl she possessed as he kept apologizing and saying he was different than before which confused her but then brushed it off and just focused on tending to his needs.

Naruto sweated as he huffed grabbing his face he looked at Kisara who looked worried.

"So...sorry" Naruto sputtered as he tried to smile but then felt Kisara touch his hand and stroke it "forget about it lets just go back to sleep okay" Naruto just nodded and together they slept with Kisara put her head on Naruto's easing him and slept.

What Naruto didn't know was that there was deep confliction within his wife's eyes as she had her hand on his tattoo she put on him.


It was morning in Konoha as looking out the village Jiraiya sighed. Leaning against the railings he was in deep thought.

Ever since his teacher died he was monitoring the village as all channels went through him and he had so many council meetings he could be sick.

It came with the title Sannin as when a Hokage falls it's either there would be a successor or predecessor to take over. Since there wasn't any it was the Sannin's duty to be acting as Hokage for the time being.

However while he was here he heard a very interesting news. A certain blond haired punk caused quite a stir as he defeated Gaara a kid who Kakashi trained his student to beat.

"Naruto did pretty good" Jiraiya mused to himself as he scratched his chin. "Yugao tells me the boy is one of the surprising people she's ever met" and he was more than inclined to believe her since he saw the kid in action. The boy was a prodigy he can now see why his teacher wanted him.

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