I Saw

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Welcome back to the chapter 100 of "Selfless".



"Demonic Voice"



Tsunade, Kurenai and Anko waited patiently for Jiraiya who was drawing up the seal. Anko Now couldn't take it anymore "hey! What taking so long Naruto might be in trouble as we speak!" Kurenai and Tsunade looked to agree and Jiraiya was about to respond when suddenly a huge wave of chakra broke through the fifth floor of the tower shocking them.

"What it that!" Tsunade screamed while everyone watched in shock. They soon gasped when they saw a figure coming out of the chakra wave he seemed to be descending down. Suddenly another figure came out after him.

Earthbeast who now didn't have his rob due to it being destroyed by the blast descended and went through a series of handsigns "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique" the Iwa missing ninja suddenly summoned a huge fireball and sent it towards Naruto. The fireball looked to be greater than any fireball Naruto ever seen.

It then suddenly engulfed the Uzumaki as Earthbeast watched in fascination to see if Naruto was reduced to ashes. He didn't get what he wanted as the flame was dispelled by a wave of chakra which dispersed the flames.

Earthbeast's eyes went wide all he now saw was Naruto holding his sword in a guarding position untouched.

Suddenly before Naruto responded with an attack of his own Earthbeast out of the blue flew past him. This surprised the Uzumaki "what! He can fly!"

Quickly Naruto went after him as the blond poured chakra to his feet and ran up.


"What was that?" Anko looked in shock "who was the two fighting"

Kurenai also looked on surprised at the intensity of the battle only for her eyes to go wide "Naruto!"

Tsunade's eyes went wide and she looked at Jiraiya "Jiraiya was that Naruto! And he was fighting an Iwa ninja!" she growled this made the two Jounin Kunoichies gasp.

Jiraiya just silently nodded "yes hime that was Naruto. I can see it was him when he dispelled the fire Jutsu and only a well recognised shinobi in the rock village can be chosen to learn the ability of flight"

Tsunade nodded it was well known that Konoha and Iwa had a grudge with each other which lasted since the third shinobi war. Konoha and Iwa were at a stalemate as it was thanks to the yellow flash they stood up against that village. Their ability with flight truly was a frightening technique. It was thanks to the yellow flash and his ability with his speed that Konoha withstood Iwa thus led to an overbearing stalemate and a grudge.

"So Iwa is attacking us!" Anko's eyes narrowed as Kurenai looked serious as well.

"No I discreetly monitored Iwa they are not preparing for war." Jiraiya looked at where Naruto and Earthbeast used to be.

"If they are not attacking us than what is it Jiraiya? Mind you only a few are chosen to learn the secret ability!" Tsunade said making Jiraiya nod.

Suddenly his eyes went wide as he quivered. This got everyone's attention.

"What it is Jiraiya" Tsunade looked worried a bit as she never seen her friend looking almost terrified.

Kurenai and Anko looked a bit worried as well.

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