Living our best life

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*20 years later! Jessica and Tommy are living together and have been travelling the world together because they got a very good pay from their last jobs that allowed them to take a year off for themselves. Of course they took their parents with them because Jessica heard so many times growing up about how Santana and Brittany had been desperate to go travelling before they get to old and can't be as active like they were as kids and in their teen years. She feels bad because she knows that's what they would have done straight after college if they hadn't met Jessica and her mum in Africa and ended up having to take Jessica in to care for since her mum was too ill to do so. So she definitely tries to treat them and show them how sorry she is for turning their lives upside done. As you can imagine, Santana and Brittany are always trying to reassure her that she has nothing to apologise for because they say that having Jessica in their lives was the best thing that ever happened to them and they wouldn't have things happen any other way. Harper and Annie weren't to bothered about the whole travelling thing but they just thought that it would be nice to do something all together before the kids have to get back to their busy adulting duties of paying bills and keeping a roof over their heads. So the 6 of them pack their bags and head to the airport in the 2 taxi's they called for*

Tommy: *was currently sat on a plane next to Jessica and had both their parents in the next 2 rows behind them* next stop... Paris France! *smiles at Jessica as she smiles back*

Jessica: also known as... the city of love! *looked lovingly into Tommy's eyes and smiles as he looks back at Jessica the same way. Meanwhile, both their parents all look between each other and smile because they are so very proud of how far the young couple have come and are happy they are stronger than ever, despite the struggles they have been through in their individual life's. but also as a couple when they would fall out and feel like they weren't ever gonna understand each other enough to fix things. Lucky for them, they always manage to pull through because their love and respect for each other was so much bigger than any earthly problems they face*

*2 stops and 20hrs and 15mins later! The plane lands in Paris France*

Tommy: * gets up from his chair to start getting the bags from the overhead cubbyhole. He turns to look over at Brittany doing the same when he notices Santana and Jessica are both sleeping* like mother, like daughter! *laughs as he gets Brittany and his mums attention, who all look at Santana and Jessica and are not surprised that they were the ones to fall asleep on the flights*

Brittany: *smiles at Tommy then leans over her seat to kiss san and wake her up. Tommy does the same with Jessica then they all make their way off the plane and through the airport to get out the building* everyone here and accounted for? *Looks at everyone as she hold Santana's hand and has their luggage in her other hand. Everyone smiles at Britt then they pile into a big taxi that will be taking them to their little cottage they will stay in for the week they are there*

*everyone piles out the taxi and Santana and Jessica rush into the cottage while they leave their other half's to bring all the luggage in for them since they are the muscle men in their relationships*

Santana: *collapses onto the big couch with Jessica right next to her mimicking her dramatically tired, half sitting/half laying positions they are in* this is the life! *smiles*

Jessica : isn't it just! *smiles*

Brittany: * walks in with 2 bags and 2 suitcases. She  drops them by the door as she sees Santana and jessica laying on the couch as if they have done a full days shift already* yo! You two lazy potato's over their! You ain't that old yet that you can't carry your own stuff! *is partly joking because she doesn't mind helping san with her things*

Tommy: *was right behind Brittany, holding his and Jessica's stuff. He looks over at the girls on the couch and laughs at them getting told off for something they have been doing for years* yeah! What she said! *laughs as Britt looks back at him and laugh also.*

Brittany: what are we gonna do with those two princesses?!  *laughs*

Tommy: they'd be lost without us and wouldn't know what to do with themselves, that's for sure! *laughs as does Britt*

Santana: *heard Brittany and Tommy chatting and joking around so she gets up and goes up to get her stuff from Brittany as Jessica follows and get her stuff from Tommy* calm down drama queens! we're right here and we will take our stuff up the stairs. *smiles at Britt then headed up stairs with Brittany following close behind with her own belongings*

Jessica: yeah! No need to get your panties in a twist man! *smiles at Tommy as she takes her belongings up to the room that her and tommy will be sleeping in*

Harper: *helped Annie out the taxi and into the cottage with all their stuff* 20 years later and they all still bicker like children *laughs and playfully rolls her eyes as Annie laughs too*

Annie: they never learn! *laughs then goes up the stairs with their stuff so they can find their room then meet everyone back down in the living room once they finish unpacking*

*30 minutes to and hour later! All 3 couples have finished sorting out their stuff into place and they are back down the stairs, all sitting out on the decking enjoying the nice weather and the breathtakingly peaceful scenery. They all just relax and chat with each other and random stuff and have a laugh with each other.*

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