visit from britt

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*just after santana finished damaging her thoat with her shouting. she was stopped in her tracks by a bright light shining through her window. she was very confused because the last time she checked, it was dark out. so she gets up off the ground and slowly makes her way towards her bedroom window. as soon as she opens the curtains she sees a ghost like figure sitting on the tree that is a few feet away from her bedroom window. she was a little freaked out at first but then the figure turned round to face her and thats when santana saw that it was Brittany*

Santana: B-Brittany! i-is it really you? *doesnt know if she should be crying or jumping for joy right now. she hesitantly sits by the window looking out at her angel girlfriend not wanting to look away incase she disappears*

Brittany: *looks down inspecting her body as if to check that she hasnt magically turned into someone else* yep! its really me san. *laughs*

Santana: alright smart arse, you know what i meant. *laughs and playfully shakes her head then looks back at brittany because she just cant believe what she is seeing right now* ...w-what a-are you doing here?

Brittany: *smiles at Santana, admiring how good she looks for being the age that she is* well first off can i just wanna say how hot you look right now. i mean, your figure is just... wow! *laughs as santana giggles and blushes*

Santana: thanks sweetcheeks! you are just as beautiful as you were the day i last saw you. *smiles as brittany smiles back*

Brittany: thanks Tana! anyway back to your question... i came down here because i heard you shouting and causing a scene like a little toddler.*laughs because she missed seeing santana's snixx side, as weird as that is*

Santana: yeah, well i have every right to be snixx right now without you around. its alot harder to deal with things, even something as small as not slapping someone across the face when they say something stupid *laughs a lttle till she sees the look on brittanys face and mentally kicks herself as soon as she realised what she just said*

Brittany: babe, you know how much i hate that word! *frowns because she rememberes all the times people would call her that just because they didnt understand her way of thinking*

Santana: *feels bad for using that word in particular* im sorry! i didnt mean to upset you. im just a little all over the place right now and i dont know how to deal with all these emotions all at the same time*

Brittany: i know! its ok, i just dont want you getting into fights with people. because by the looks of things you are already having enough of a war with yourself. *looks at the scars on santana's arms and lets a few tears fall because she cant be there to hold san and keep her safe like she used to*

Santana: *sees that brittany is looking at her scars and it breaks santana's heart to see brittany upset. but she just cant help it because she still believes that she deserves to be the angel in the sky, not brittany* babe... im sorry! i just wish things didnt happen the way they did so that you could still be down here with me. *looks down at her hands and fidgets with her hands*

Brittany: baby, please look at me! *waits for santana to look up again* ...i know you are hurting right now and are so annoyed that things happened the way they did. but im still with you... yeah i cant physically hold you or annoy you with neck kisses like i used to. *they both smile thinking back to how much they would always kiss each other or just be clingy in some way* but ill still around when you need me most. just like i am right now. i mean, who would have thought that id be sat high up on a tree branch just so i could talk to you in this moment. *laughs as does san* at our wedding i promised you that id be there for you no matter what so im sticking to that promise for as long as you'll want me. *smiles as santana smiles back*

Santana: thanks britt! you always know how to make me feel better, even when ive had an explosion of a meltdown! *looks back at the bathroom for a second then to Brittany*

Brittany: yeah! you better be tidying that shit up after im done with you here because im not letting you destroy our house like this. *laughs because even though she isnt physically with san, she still manages to be the one who wears the pants in their relastionship*

Santana: dont worry, ill fix it! *laughs at herself for getting told off like a little kid*

brittany: lol you are such a bottom! *laughs as does san*

Santana: *playfully rolls her eyes* if i could id totally hit you with a pillow right now! *laughs because she wouldnt dare hurt brittany, even if she did do something to annoy her*

Brittany: no you wouldnt, dont lie to yourself hun! *laughs because she knows she has no reason to be scared of snixx. even when she was alive*

Santana: yeah you're right! *smiles as does Brittany*

Brittany: alright! i better go... got to go back and check on our mama's and make sure jessica isnt doing a snixx on the other angels. *laughs as does san*

Santana: *is sad that brittany has to go so soon* do you really have to go? *give brittany puppy dog eyes*

Brittany: as much as id love to chat with you for all eternity, ive got some people to protect... just like you do down on earth. *reffereing to their grandkids* ... say hi to jazzy and elliot for me. *smiles*

Santana: i will! give mama and jessica a hug for me. *smiles*

Brittany: of course! *stands up on the tree branch*

Santana: i love you so much my precious unicorn! *tears up a little as the lump in her throat reappears*

Brittany: i love you more hottie! *winks and makes santana giggle* see you soon! *pauses and realises what she just said*, that sounded like a threat *laughs as does san* know what i meant. *smiles and blows santana a kiss*

Santana: see you later my love! *smiles*

brittany: see ya! try not rip anyone apart while im gone. Because if you do, ill send quinn down to have a word with you! *laughs as she waves at san then starts to float up to the clouds*

santana: *waves at britt as she disappears into the clouds* dont worry! ill be on my best behaviour! *laughs then closes the curtains once brittany is out of sight. san goes back into the bathroom and cleans up then gets herself into bed and falls asleep with a smile on her face, thinking about finally getting to see and talk to brittany*

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