our angel's influence

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Grace: *looks over at santana and the boy as they all look at the tv and look for a different movie to watch* so, what are you kids wanting for dinner?... any suggestions? *smiles at the boys as they look at her and think*

Max: Takeaway! *gets excited about possibly having his all time favourite food*

Grace: *smiles at max, not at all surprised that he asked for that* maybe! what do you think El? *looks at Elliot*

Elliot: yeah! that sounds good! *smiles*

Grace: well, that was easy! *smiles at the kids* I'll go phone and order us some stupid in! *leans over and kisses anna then gets up and heads into the kitchen to call there Dave takeaway place of all time. once she does that she goes back into the living room and sees that the boys have chosen another movie* hey san... *gets her attention* ill just leave a small portion of whatever we get so jasmine can try and eat something when she wakes up again. she hasnt eaten all afternoon so i imagine that the goblins in her stomach will be going mental by now. *laughs because they always talks about having goblins in your stomach and thats what causes the problems when you have stomach pains and stuff. santana loves it because brittany was the one to start that whole thing and now santana has just got into the habit of it when talking to Elliot and jasmine like she did when jessica was their age*

Santana: yeah! she kept on refusing to eat some popcorn so ill just try again with proper food later *smiles as Grace smiles back and nods her head*

*much to everyone's surprise, they were able to get through a whole movie before they heard jasmine start to scream and cry for san*

Santana: *sighs because she keeps getting chest pains every time she hears jasmine in so much distress* if im still not back in the next 5 minutes then ya'll better come up and save me from getting battered and bruised *laughs as does everyone else while santana leaves them to go and settle jasmine* ... you're ok sweetheart
, im right here! *goes over and picks up jasmine and holds her close, rocking her gently to try and soothe her* shhh, shhh, shhh... ive got you... no one's gonna hurt you... your safe now! *looks down at jasmine as she whimpers and shakes her head from side to side and has her eyes shut tight as she grips onto santana's jumper* come on jazzy-bear, open your eyes for grandma and take some deep breath's ... you got this! *has her hand over the top of jasmines and rubs it lightly*

Jasmine: *slowly opens her eyes and looks up at her grandma as she tries to catch her breath* Grandma?

Santana: hmm? *looks down at jasmine*

Jasmine: is he gone? *has so much fear in her eyes as she remembers the nightmare she just had where dave came back and took her away from santana a second time*

Santana: hes gone and hes never coming back sweetie, i promise! *wipes the tears from jasmines eyes*

Jasmine: but what if he does? *pouts at san*

Santana: *smiles as she thinks of the perfect come back that she probably shouldnt say infront of jasmine but she is gonna do it anyway just for a laugh* if he does then Grandma snixx with kick his ass! *laughs as jasmine giggles*

Jasmine: dont be silly grandma! you're too small! *giggles some more as santana gasps*

Santana: did you just make a short joke?! *loves that jasmine has started to get a sense of humour and speak sarcastically like san does* ...if i didnt know any better then id think that grandma britty was whispering in your ear, telling you to say that to me. *playfully shakes her head* she used to joke about my height all the time. *smiles as jasmine smiles back. soon silence filled the room again while santana contined to sway from side to side as jasmine's starteds to close her eyes again*

*10 minutes later! santana tucked jasmine back into bed and left the door open a little just before going back down to join the others*

Elliot: *looked and saw his grandma walk back into the living room with a smile on her face like she was lost in thought about something* whats so funny?

Santana: *sits down next to Elliot* just my 5 year old granddaughter tabking the piss out of my height the same way my wife did back in the day. *laughs as does elliot and the girls*

Grace: what did she say? *looks at san*

Santana: well she was freaking out about dave come back and hurting her so i told her that if he tried anything then id kick his ass. but she just laughed in my face and said id be too small to do anything like that. *playfully rolls her eyes as the girls laugh*

Grace: looks like Brittany has been whispering stuff to encourage her. *smiles*

Santana: thats exactly what i said! *smiles* even as an angel she is being a complete wind up just like she used to be!

anna: classic Brittany! *laughs as she rememebers all the times she would hear brittany wind san up when anna and jessica was having sleep overs and just hanging out at her place*

Santana: shes probably smiling away at her self as we speak! knowing that even with heels on, i still can't reach her height *laughs*

Elliot: thats Embarrasing! *laughs as santana plafully glares at him and shoves him, laughing as well*

Santana: you guys are mean! *crosses her arms over he chest and slouches like she is in a mood*

*of course no one falls for Santana's tricks because they have known each other so long so everyone just laughs at her the. Continues to watch the movie while they wait for their food to arrive*

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