self love and sibling love

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*the rest of the weekend was spent with just the 4 of them having family time doing whatever they wanted to do, as long as it wasnt dangerous of course. santana was at her house just doing her own thing because she finally decided that it was time for her to have some time where she really focuses on pampering herself and not worrying about others, like she does every other day of her life. its obviously brittany thats been whispering in her ear and pestering her to put herself first since britt knows more than anyone that santana has always put herself below anyone she cares about. brittany would always try to do something about it so san would be good to herself. but on the days that san wouldnt do that, brittany was there to treat san and make her feel super special*

Santana: *was currently running herself a bath and lighting candles so thats the only kind of light she will have in the bathroom* its gonna feel weird having a proper bath without your company babe! *laughs at herself as she thinks about how the only time she would spend more than 5 minutes in the bath was when brittany would sit on the lid of the toilet and chat with her about random stuff just to keep her company or when they would go in together. Britt always made sure Santana was properly relaxed and wasn't thinking of everything she could be doing instead of chilling*

*once the bath was run, san went and got herself some pj and a head and body towel to place on her bed for when she is finished. lastly she went downstairs to pour herself a glass of wine to take with her*

Santana: *lay back against the edge of the bath with her wine in hand* aaaand relax! *sighed contently as she closes her eyes and let her mind wonder to whatever. suprizingly to san, she lasted a whole 30 minutes relaxing in the bath, sipping on her wine occationally. but as soon as her glass was finshed thats when she washed herself then got out the bath, wrapping herself in both towels before doing a facemask and redoing her nails since she also abandoned that for quite some time. as she waited for her freshly painted nails to dry, she decided to be funny and post a pic of her masked face and towel head on her facebook because she knows that it will surprise everyone to see that she is pampering herself. also just the fact that she has posted a pic that doesnt consist of her face having a full face of makeup on and her hair done up. throughout most of her and britts relationship, Brittany would constantly catch san offguard and take candid pics of santana when she was her true authentic self that only britt and san's mum got to see behind closed doors. but sadly santana was always way to insecure about herself to let brittany share those pics with the world, so brittany just kept them in her camera roll to look back on and admire for herself*

*Santana's phone! post on facebook!*
Captioned: so this is what self love feels like, who knew?! *nails emoji, whine bottle emoji and crown emoji*

*while she was on the app, san decided to see if she could find anything entertaining or if it was gonna be the same old stuff she has seen a million times. as suspected, it was all boring but the good thing was that people were quick to start commenting on her post so she checked that out*

*santana's phone! comments section*

Mercedes jones: YASS QUEEN! *clapping hands emoji*

Sugar motta: looking good! *shades*

Elliot stewart: missing you! me and jazzy cant wait to give you a big hug! *kissy face emoji*

Toby fabray: did THE santana lopez just post a picture without any hair and makeup involved?! *shocked face emoji, ghost emoji and angel face emoji*

Grace: im sure brittany is looking down from the clouds, laughing her ass of at your new look! *monkey covering its mouth* with that said, im sure she is proud at you for finally doing something for yourself since you have spent most of your time looking after everyone else. the last few years especially from everything thats happened! you deserve the best. *smiley face with hearts around it and a purple heart emoji*

*once santana had finished reading through all the comments she went back through them to reply to everyone.*

*her response to Mercedes*

Santana lopez: *laughing face and blushing emoji*

*her response to sugar*

Santana lopez: thanks hun! missing your company! *sad face*

*her response to Elliot*

Santana lopez: im sure you wont be saying that when you mokeys are trapped in my arms for our next movie night. *laughing face emoji and kissy face emoji*

*her response to Toby*

Santana lopez: i sure did! *grandmother emoji and laughing face emoji*

*her response to Grace*

Santana: *re-read Grace's comment and teared up some more because of what she said* damn you for always knowing how to make me cry with your little speeches like this! *middle finger and angel face emoji*

*after having a little conversation back and forth with everyone, she finally decided that she was cooled down enough to get into her pjs. before getting into bed she went down to lock her door then came back up to take the mask off and do her teeth and just as she was settling into bed she read a bit of her book before falling asleep*

*meanwhile, over at Anna and Grace's place, jasmine and Elliot had made a den in the living room and convinced the girls to let them sleep in it since they used a mattress for the ground. after checking that elliot was gonna be comfortable enough there, Grace and anna finally agreed to the sleeping arrangement, making jasmine promise that she would come up to get them if Elliot needs them for anything at all. being the very loving little sister she is to Elliot, she agreed straight away and was very sure of it working out just fine*

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