no funny business

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*10 minutes from home! Grace drove everyone to the closest beach to where they live. they never told the kids that they were going to the beach so jasmine was very excited once she saw the sea and the sand*

Jasmine: *was stood by the car as anna and grace helped Elliot and Melissa into their wheelchairs* come on guys, lets go already! *runs off to the sand because she couldnt wait any longer*

Melissa: *was smiling at jasmine then turned to look at Elliot* that kid has so much energy, im actually jealous! *laughs as does Elliot*

elliot: i know! me too! *smiles as Melissa smiles back*

*there was a little path to get down onto the sand but it wasnt much so the 2 teens had to wait for grace and anna to lay out some towels then they would be able to come back and carry the teens over to the towel's so they dont get sand on their clothes when they sit down*

Grace: *looks over and sees jasmine trying to go in the water all on her own* JAZZY... COME OVER HERE PLEASE! *was relieved to see jasmine come running back to her straight away*

Jasmine: im sorry Gracie, i was just so excited to go swimming with the fishy's *frowns because she thinks that Grace is mad at her*

Grace: its ok sweetie! you arent in trouble! I was just worried that something was gonna happen since you were all by yourself. once we have some food them you and i can go in the water, ok? *smiles as she held onto jasmines hand and smiles at her to reasure her that she wasnt mad*

Jasmine: *smiles at Grace* ok! *sits on graces lap and helps her take the food out the basket* ...all done! *smiles at everyone as they smile back*

Grace: good job! *puts her hand out for Jasmine to give her a highfive* what would you like to eat first? *looks down and jasmine*

Jasmine: umm... *taps her pointer finger on her chin as she looks at all the options* this one! *picks up a ham sandwich*

Grace: great choice! *smiles as Jasmine eat the ham sandwich, that is so big she need to use both hands to hold it*

*as the rest of them dig into the food, they talk about absolute randomness and also get to know melissa a bit better. then once they were done eating Jasmine kept on begging grace to let her go in the water. jasmine being small she hated having to wait but she excepted that grace was wanting jasmine to let her food go down first. then after an eternity of jasmine's life grace finally walked down to the water and paddled in the water while jasmine jumped over the waves and tried searching for little fish*

*Anna on the other hand, was feeling very much like a thirdwheel. because she kept on hearing melissa giggling and she just knew that Elliot was obviously up to no good trying to charm the girl with his silly teenage humour. Anna decided to text Grace so she can come back from the water*

*Grace's Phone! Message from "my girl"

my girl: please come and save me! whatever Elliot is whispering to Melissa, its making her giggle like crazy *eyeroll and sick emoji*

Grace: hang on sweetie, i just need to see who's texting me! come and play on the sand a second! *lead jasmine out the water and into the sand just a few feet away from the water. then she takes her phone out her back pocket and reads the message from anna. it makes her laugh then she looks up and sees anna pouting at her, obviously trying to convince her further* uh oh... *looks down at jasmine just as she looks up at Grace*

Jasmine: what wrong Gracie? *has worry in her eye because she didn't see what Anna said*

Grace: Anna wants us to go up and see her because she is sad that we left her behind. *frowns to see if jasmine will actually fall for it*

Jasmine: ok! *dusts the sand off her hands then taken Grace's hand and runs back to give Anna a hug to cheer her up*

Anna: *instantly smiles as jasmine hugs her* hey little monkey! what you doing?

Jasmine: gracie told me you were feeling left out so we came back to see you! *smiles at anna*

Anna: thats so sweet of you! *smiles at Jasmine then up at Grace*

Grace: hey jazzy, how about the 3 of us all go and paddle in the water then build a sand castle and dig around it to let the water flow next to it? *smiles down at anna and jasmine*

Jasmine: YEAH! COME ON ANNA, LETS GO! *gets up then takes anna and Grace by the hand while they go for a paddle. anna and Grace came up with the idea to swing jasmine over every wave just to make it even more exciting for the little girl*

Elliot: *looked over at the girls with jasmine then he turns back to melissa and laughs* i wondered how long it would last before she got tired of us! *laughs as does Melissa*

Melissa: you did that on purpose! we both know that you arent this forward about your flirting skills. *laughs as Elliot acts hurt for a second but then he starts to laugh as well because he knows its true*

Elliot: maybe i did! ...maybe i didnt! *boops Melissa on the nose making her scrunch her face up in the cutest way. less than a second later Elliot dramatically holds his chest and makes groaning noises as if he was having chest pains. the next minute he falls flat on his back with his eyes closes and his tounge hanging out the side of his mouth*

Melissa: *was so confused as to what just happened so she laughs and playfully shakes her head at elliot being so random* what the hell was that? *looks at Elliot*

Elliot: *waits a little longer for dramatic affect. then Melissa gets impatient and starts to tickle him. he finally opens his eyes and looks up at melissa smiling at her as he grabs a hold of her wrists, stopping her tickle attack* you cant make cute faces like that and expect me not to fall for you...literally! *laughs as Melissa laughs and playfully shakes her head in disbelief of how sweet Elliot is being*

Melissa: whatever romeo! *smiles as she give Elliot a hand up so he is sitting again. Elliot kisses Melissa on the check then they get lost in each others eyes for the millionth time*

*grace had been looking over every few minutes just to make sure the lovebirds were ok. only this time, she saw them looking at each other with dopey grins and she couldnt help but capture it on camera so they could save it for future pourposes. after everyone had some more time in the sun they all decided that it was time to back up and go home to have a cuddle on the couch and watch a movie together before Melissa has to go home*

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