sharing is caring

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*for the next week! it was a rollercoaster of emotions for the new couple because there was alot of late nights and early mornings for them now that they had a little human to tend to with their every need. but as hard as it was, the young couple were very happy that their family was now complete. they really wouldnt have it any other way because it is all worth it when they get to wake up every morning and get to look after and raise a minature them. they were so excited to see what the future had in store for them*

Santana: *was going over with, harper, annie, meredith and her mum to meet the newborn baby boy that was now a part of their family. they were all excited beyond belief* come on Harper, get your ass out here so we can go and meet our first ever grand-baby. *she starts to get inpatient as she watches harper run back into her house to get something she had forgotten*

Harper: calm your tit's woman, im coming! *rushes out the door and gets into the back seat of Anna and Grace's land rover. then they all head over to Jessica and Tommy's place within 20 -30 minutes*

Tommy: *hears a bunch of voices outside his front door so he goes to open it and is greeted by a bunch of grown as woman trying to rush out of the car. he just laughs because he expected this from them since its the first of the grandchildren* hello everyone! how are you all? *hugs each woman as they start to pile into the house and gather in the living room at Tommy's request* i know you must all be buzzing with anticipation to see the wee guy, but im aftraid you will have to wait a little longer because him and his mother are currently snuggled up in bed for an afternoon nap. *smiles at everyone. he laughs because there is some groaning and disappointment from his guests since they have already had to wait a week to meet the newborn*

Santana: how long have they been down for? *looks at Tommy curiously*

Tommy: umm... *looks at his watch to calculate* about 45 minutes! they will probably be up any minute now! *as if on cue. everyone hear the baby start to cry upstairs. so tommy excuses himself to go and settle the baby so that he can be brought down the stairs to see his guests. as soon as Tommy carries the little baby through, the living room was instantly filled with aww's and alot of compliments about how small and cute the baby is* so, who would like to hold him first? *smiles as he sees everyone desperately and calmly reach there arms out to him* alright! here you go san. you are the grandmother so its only right that you are one of the first. *smiles at San as he hands the baby over to her*

Santana: ha-ha! in your face losers *playfully sticks her tounge out at everyone as they laugh and playfully shake their head at her childish antics. santana goes back to looking at the baby and soon enough she is tearing up because she is thinking about how brittany never got to meet her first grandchild and santana was really looking forward to sharing this moment with her, since they had been speaking about it for years.* you're granny britty would have love you, little man! im sure she would be fighting over you the minute i got a hold of you! *giggles as she quietly speaks down to the baby that is holding her fingers and is looking up at her with a big smile as if he understands what she just said. everyone around them just watched and had weak, sympathetic smiles on their faces because they were also feeling a little weird without britty being here to experience this moment with them*

Tommy: *waits a couple more minutes* alright! i think its time for the next person! what do you think San? *he knows shes gonna fight him off but he was still gonna make sure San shared the baby with everyone else that was waiting to hold him and have a minute with him*

Santana: no thank you! *slowly turns her body so the baby is further from Tommy's reach*

Tommy: *just laughs because he expected this to happen* come on San! the baby needs to meet the rest of his family as well.

Santana: *continues to joke around and act selfish* no he doesnt!

Tommy: *laughs as does everyone* am i gonna have to get you daughter down here to convince you? *puts his hands on his hips in a playful manner*

Santana: *sighs* fine! just take him! *hands the baby back to Tommy then watches as he gets handed off to annie, who is sat right next to her and harper on one of the couches*

*once everyone in the room got to have a cuddle with the baby boy and had a few words with him. Tommy took him back and placed him in his baby basket that was in the corner of the room. then he offered people drinks and sat down with them all to have a chat and to answer all their questions about how dad life is going for him so far. and most importantly, what is the baby's name*

Tommy: sorry ladies but you are all gonna have to wait till Jessica is down here so she can tell you all. she really wanted to do it since she is the mother of said baby boy. *smiles as he laughs at everyone groaning in disapproval for having to wait even longer*

jessica: *walks into the living room right after she hears her name being said* you called?! *smiles as everyone looks up at her with excited smiling faces* hello everyone! i see you have met my baby and have also been dragged into the trance of baby fever because of his chubby cheeks and cheeky smile that make it seem like he knows things. *laughs as she jokes about her baby being a trouble maker when he isnt even old enough to have much of a personality yet*

Santana: dont worry Munchkin! ill be sure to train him and make sure he knows how to be a perfect snixx junior. *is obviously joking but still wont mind at all if the boy grows up to have a sarcastic side*

Tommy: no thank you! one snixx is quite enough for us! *smiles as Santana laughs and throws a pillow at him*

Jessica: alright children... lets not wreck the place that took me all morning to clean up for you guys coming over. *smiles as she picks the pillow up and hands it back to her mum before she goes and sits on Tommy's lap next to anna and Grace*

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