the legacy of us

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*20 minutes later! Santana puts a bow in each of Jasmines bunches then helps Her onto her feet so San can make sure Jasmines is all ready*

Santana: you ready to look at yourself in the mirror? *smiles down as Jasmine smiles and reaches up to san so she can get carried* ...what do you think sweetie? *smiles as Jasmine admires herself in the mirror and twists from side to side, making her dress move with her*

Jasmine: im a princess now? *smiles up at San*

Santana: you sure are! *boops Jasmine on the nose, making her giggle. then San lifts her down to the floor and follows her out the bathroom to go back down the stairs*

anna: *walks up the stairs to check that the boys are getting ready for the party* princess tiana, is that you? *jokes to make Jasmine smile*

Jasmine: dont be silly Anna, its just me! *giggles as Anna and Santana laugh a little*

Anna: alright lets go down and you can play with your new toys while the rest of us get ready. *takes jasmine by the hand and walks down the stairs as santana follows close behind*

Max: *hears his mums in the kitchen so he goes through and shows of his outfit to them* so, how do I look? *smiles up at Grace*

Grace: so handsome! *kisses him on the cheek as does anna* your mum and I are just gonna go and get out party clothes on now so are you alright to keep an eye on jasmine so san can get herself sorted too? *looks at max*

Max: of course! *smiles then goes into the living room to see jasmine and Elliot playing with their presents*

Grace: thanks bud! we wont be long. *smiles at max then follows anna up to their room as san goes into the bathroom to get her outfit on and makeup done*

*Elliot was sat on the couch watching as jasmine played with her toys and was showing Elliot everything*

Jasmine: Can you play with me *smiles at Elliot as she holds up her new dolls*

Elliot: *feels bad because he cant just get up and walk over to the other side of room to join his little sister* sorry Jazzy-bear but i cant get down there! you play with them just now, alright!

Jasmine: *keeps on forgetting that Elliot cant walk like she does* ok! *is now sad for the obvious reason*

Elliot: dont be sad jazzy- bear! all 3 of us will be able to play in grandma's back garden later. we can all take turns on my special swing, yeah? *looks down at Jasmine as she continues to looks down at her lap and mindlessly play with the doll in her hands*

Jasmine: yeah... ok!

Elliot: alright! you and max play while we wait for Grandma to get changed then we can all go back to hers and play till the guests arrive. *watches as Jasmine hesitantly starts to play with her toys again. eventually she forgets all about why she was sad and is laughing with max while Elliot just sits on the couch and watches them, while thinking about how he is gonna chat with the adults about the possibility of him getting physio therapy and some sort or surgery to hopefully help him be able to walk*

*just under an hour later! Santana and girls had come down the stair from getting ready. Anna and Grace were sat on the couch watching jasmine try to boss max about, telling him which of her toys he needs to play with in order for him to be able to go along with whatever jasmine wants to do*

Santana: *was laughing at jasmine then turns to see Elliot lost in thought and has a upset look in his eyes* are you ok kiddo? you looked like you were in another world just there. *was worried because She doesn't like seeing her loved ones sad*

Elliot: *didnt think he would be having this conversation so soon but hes just gonna get it over and done with* yeah! i need to ask you something but i think it's best if we go into my room first. because its quite serious *looks up at Santana and sees the concern in her eyes*

Santana: oh, ok! lets go! *walks behind Elliot as he goes to his room. Santana helps elliot sit on his bed then she sits down next to him* so... whats up? *looks at Elliot as sees him bite his lip, looking nervous as hell* ...whatever it is, im sure we can get it all sorted out for you *takes elliots hand and draws lightly over the top of it to comfort him*

Elliot: *smiles at San as a thank you for knowing how to keep him calm* its Jazzy... she keeps on asking me to play with her in a way that i know i cant because im stuck in my wheelchair. so i feel bad because i keep having to see the look of dissapointment on her little face everytime that she forgets about my situation. *looks down at his lap and takes a few deep breathes so he doesnt get upset*

Santana: *sighs out of sympathy* i know its frustrating being stuck in that thing all the time, but we just need to see the positives of it all... like how you are almost 15 and the doctors told your mama that they didnt thing you would even make it to your 5 birthday because of the issues you had with the extra fluid in your brain as a baby. i know this is all really difficult for Jasmine to understand but we just need to wait and tell her once she is a little older. ok? *smiles weakly because she feels bad that she cant do anything to help make Elliots condition a little easier to live with*

Elliot: yeah! you're right! *smiles as san smiles back* ... i know she is way to young to realise it but, if it werent for Jazzy then i dont think i would have nearly enough strength to push through the harder days of pain and discomfort, to keep on going and seeing the good left in the world. *smiles*

Santana: you kids are so lucky to have eachother and have the bond that you have even though you are so different in age. im so proud of you both for how strong you's are and it makes me so happy to see you guys happy and living life to the fullest despite any hurdles that come your way *smiles*

Elliot: yeah! im so happy that Jazzy is still at that stage where she is so into the world of make believe because it has actually helped me learn to appreciate the simple things in life. and its a great escape for when im having a bad day and need a break from my reality *smiles*

Santana: *smiles with tears in her eyes* she is a mini Britt, thats for sure! i just hope that when she growns up and goes out into the real world, she wont get into any trouble with people trying to take that away from her and make her feel like she shouldnt be thinking that way, because "its for kids"! *she thinks about how Brittany helped san through so much because she was a big believer of make believe as well and would always randomly talk to santana about what she was thinking in that moment in time. especially on the days where santana was ready to fight people. Brittany came to her rescue and started talking about everything and explaining it in her own uniqe way to make san smile and see things from a different perspective*

Elliot: dont worry! ill be there to fight off anyone that tries to start anything *laughs because he knows that he is in no way physically stong enough to actually fight people*

Santana: *laughs because she loves how Elliot always tries to talk and act like a snixx Jr* thats my boy! you are gonna do me so proud with your snixxness one day *smiles as Elliot smiles back*
Anyway... lets head back to mine and get ready for our people coming round. *gets up and follows Elliot back down stairs*

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