doing whats best for you

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*after santana told the girls all about her situation that she tried to keep from them, there was quite a few tears followed closely by a big group hug between the 3 women*

Grace: i know its very much over now but i want you too know that if you ever find yourself in that situation again where you feel like doing that, please come to me or anna and chat with us instead. we are here for you like you have been for us. *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: thanks girls! i will definitely do that! i promise you that im alot better from how i was feeling back then. and after the dream i had recently, i can confidently tell you guys that i think im gonna give dating another try. i obviously wont rush into anything because brittany is very much still the biggest part of my life, heart and soul. but i know that she would want me to try and look for someone that can provide the physical conection that i need to have with someone so i dont die a lonely cat lady *laughs a little as she shakes her head at that*

Anna: *smiles at san* well i can confidently say that whatever happens, me and Grace are behind you 100%! *smiles at Santana* 

Grace: what she said! *smiles at san* ...but if this new woman breakes your hear or any part of your body for that matter, then i will volunteer myself to come over and drop kick the bitch out your front door. *looks serious for a second then all 3 of them laugh at Grace being so overprotective of those who mean the most to her*

Santana: thank you girls! i really cant thank you enough for being there for me when i needed it most. *smiles at anna and Grace as they smile back then have another group hug before being interupted by yet another high pitched sob coming from upstairs. santana sighs and gets looks of sympathy from the 2 ladies on either side of her* i know who you can go drop kick to another dimention. *laughs as she looks at grace*

Grace: oh dont you worry about that! ive already prepared my shovel out back in preparation to dispose of his dead ass. *laughs*

Santana: *smiles at Grace one last time before disapearing upstairs to go and get jasmine* you're ok sweetheart ... grandma's right here! *walks into the room and goes over to pick jasmine up and hold her close. trying to calm her down*

Jasmine: *was shaking and crying into her grandmas chest, gripping onto her top to try and pull herself as close to santana as possible* please... make it stop... hes a monster! *sobs*

Santana: *looks down at her granddaughter and it breaks sans heart to hear jasmine so unsettled all because of some horrible person that has some serious brain damage that makes him do stupid shit like this* i know, i know... i promise that he's never gonna hurt you again. *gently rocks her side to side and brushed her hair to try and soothe her*

Jasmine: *calms down a little and looks up at her grandma* do you have to go! can you stay here with me? *give san a sad, pleading look*

Santana: actually... i was thinking that you and i could go back to my house and spend some time there this week. we can do whatever you wanna do sweetie *smiles down at jasmine as she smiles a little but was way to tired to be her usual enthusiastic self when she hears about going to spend time at santana's place with her* what do you think of that sweetheart? would you like to come with me and have a little break from nursery? *looks down at jasmine as she lays back on santana's chest and just nodds her head* alright! lets go down and see the girls and you can tell them that you are gonna come with me this week and then you can help them back your little suitcase if you're up for it. *walks out the room and goes back to the other 2 women, who were in the exact same place that she left them, minus the distance between the 2 having been filled by now as san expected*

Anna: *looks up and sees jasmine hiding in the crook of santana's neck* hey little monkey! what you doing up so late?! *gets up and lightly tickes jasmines  sides to try and make her laugh.

Jasmine: *giggles and tries to push anna away from her so she stops with the tickle attack* me and Grandma are going to her house! *smiles up at the 2 women*

Anna: *smiles at the little girl* thats exciting! are you gonna be on your best behaviour for Tana? *looks at jasmine*

Jasmine: yep! *smiles being very sure of herself*

Anna: good girl! *smiles at jasmine* we better get you all packed up then. we dont wanna keep you ladies up any later because im sure you's have a busy week filled with all sorts of fun things *smiles as jasmine smiles back*

*5 minutes later! anna had just come back down with a very woken little girl and her little suitcase all packed up for her time away*

Santana: *was stood by the stairs chatting with grace when she saw jasmine walking down the stairs with her teddy unicorn and blanket in her arms* you ready! *smiles at jasmine as she stands next to san*

jasmine: *looks up at san* yep! lets go! *smiles then takes her suitcase from anna and walks towards the front door forgetting to say her goodbyes*

Grace: *sees jasmine walk off very eager to leave* excuse me little misses! *walks over to jasmine and picks her up, ticking her stomach* arent you forgetting something? *smiles at jasmine as she looks around at the woman, with her thinking face on*

Jasmine: oh yeah! *it finally hit her that she needs to give her hugs goodbye, so without another word she wraps her arms round the back of Grace's neck and holds her close* good bye Gracie! *smiles then wiggles out her arms to go over and hug anna* good bye Anna! see you later *smiles at the young couple then wriggles out of anna's arms and goes to grab a hold of her grandma's hand* come on Grandma! lets go see Mr Uni *smiles as she drags santana over to the front door, letting san pick up jasmines suitcase and wave a quick goodbye to the other women*

Santana: *was surprised at how strong her granddaughter truly was. san just giggles at jasmine as she guides them to the car, stopping at the passenger door* alright sweetheart! you stand here for a second so i can put your suitcase in first *lets go of jasmine's hand and turns round to open the back door of the car and puts the little suitcase on the floor at the opposit side from where jasmine is gonna sit* alright little monkey, you're turn! *turns round and picks jasmine up, placing her into her booster seat and belting her in before closing the car door and getting into the drivers seat, getting herself situated to start their journey back to her place*

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