taking risks

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*at the graveyard! santana and jessica were standing right infront of the casket and they had their family and friends all surounding either side of them. Valerie and Mercedes holding onto santana and jessica just to keep them from doing anything stupid because of how they are feeling with seeing the casket get lowered into the ground. then once the casket was done getting lowered, everyone had been handed a lillie so they could throw it in ontop of the casket*

*30 minutes of standing by the graveyard! santana and jessica and meredith were the first to be escorted away then every one else followed and got into their cars and went home. once Santana walked into the house again she went straight up to her room and everyone just went to chill in the living room and give her some space till she is ready to socialise again*

*10 minutes go by of everyone just cuddled up on the couches and are watching movies while sipping on hot drinks. when the doorbell rings Tommy goes and answers it*

Tommy: *opens the door and sees Anna on the door step* anna! what a nice surprise! how are you? *smiles*

Anna: im doing alright! me and Grace have recently taken our eldest off to college so now its just the wee man left *smiles*

Tommy: thats great! would you like to come in! we are all just chilling in the living room watching some tv *smiles*

Anna: alright! *smiles then follows tommy into the livingroom and before she has a chance to say hi to anyone Jessica is on her feet and gave Anna a big Bear hug*

Jessica: *pulled away from the hug and had a huge smile on her fqace because she hasnt seen Anna for a few years now* its so good to see you! its been way to long.

Anna: i know! who knew that being an adult was so jam pact with so much chaos *turns to see all the mums in the room raise their hand and thats when everyone burst out laughing*

Jessica: that answers that Question! *laughs then looks back at anna* come on and have a seat! *takes anna to an empty space on the couch then jessica goes and sits on the beanbag next to tommy*

Anna: *turns to meredith* i heard about your daughter and i just wanna say that im really sorry, grace and i wanted to send our love sooner but we just didnt have time to get you or san anything *smiles sympathetically*

Meredith: no worries at all! your presence here today is enough of a gift to us all! *smiles as anna smiles back*

anna: *tuns back to look at jessica* hows your mum holding up? *looks at her sympathetically*

Jessica: shes being very quiet and distant as expected but she'll get there! *smiles weakly*

Anna: ill be sure to send her a message later on and maybe me and grace can take the 2 of you out for lunch or something at some point in the near future when you arent to busy with work *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: *smiles* im sure she'd like that! ill tell her you can by whenever she comes down *smiles as Anna smiles back*

*10-15 minutes of chatting and catching up with anna went by in the blink of an eye*

Tommy: so anna! would you like to stay for lunch or do you need to get back to the Mrs before she sends out a search party? *laughs as does everyone*

Anna: id love to stay but me and grace promised Max that we would take him to the park and to get some ice cream. *smiles as Tommy smiles back*

tommy: ok, no problem! maybe some other time.

Anna: definitely! ill be in touch!

Jessica: come on and ill walk you out! *gets up and goes towards the living room door as anna gets up and follows*

Anna: bye everyone! it was lovely to see you all! *waves bye to everyone as they all say bye to her*

jessica: *opens the door for anna once she gets her jacket and shoes back on* thank you so much for swinging by! it really means alot. *smiles and hugs anna*

Anna: no problem at all! i rememeber you saying that this was the day of Britty's funeral so i just wanted to come and check that you and your mum were coping ok! *smiles sypathetically*

Jessica: thank you! ill text you later on at some point. *smiles*

Anna: alright! tell Tana i say hey! *smles then walks down to her car as Jessica waves from the door*

jessica: *closes the front door then goes back to the living room and stands by the door* hey gang! im just gonna go up and check on mum. *looks around the room as everyone nods their heads*

Tommy: *looks at Jessica* would you like me to come and get you when lunch is ready?

Jessica: sure! *smiles at Tommy then goes up to her mums room and sees Santana was on Brittanys side of the bed all wrapped up under the covers. jessica goes over to Brittanny's side of the wardrobe and takes her fancy clothes off and puts the hoodie on before clinging into bed and cuddling up with her mum*

Santana: *turns round to see Jessica in one of Brittany's hoodie and it made her smile that her and jessica are so much alike* hey munchkin!

Jessica: hi! Anna just came to visit and she sends her love *smiles as does Santana* and she said that her and Grace are gonna takeme and you out to lunch one day when im not busy with work... So ill probably just tell her that we can have a girls day this year since im taking it off from work*

Santana: that would be great Munchkin... but what about your plans to travel the world with Tommy as much as you can this year? *looks at jessica*

Jessica: meh! i dont really feel like doing that anymore. i was gonna talk to Tommy about it Tommorow or something.

Santana: *thinks for a moment and is worried that Jessica is trying to put her adventure of a life time on hold just becausae of Brittany being gone and Santana doesnt have anyone to live with anymore* ...jess? *looks down at jessica with concern*

jesscia: yeah! *looks up at her mum*

Santana: you know you dont have to put your life on hold just because Mama has past! you know she will be mad at you for giving up the opotunity to do what she never got too. you could be the one to cross of her travel bucketlist and take all the pictures you can then when the time comes you will be able to share those amazing memories with your kids *smiles as she tries to get Jessica to change her mind*

Jessica: i know it would be silly to waste that time but it just doesnt feel right to live mama's dream. and i dont wanna be miles away from you either *smiles up at San*

Santana: i knew you would say that! *smiles a little* ...i know me and your mama didnt get to finish our adventure but the part of it that we did live were the best moments of my life! yeah there were a few bumps in the road, but those things happen so you can rethink and try something different that might end up even better than you ever imagined. so dont let mama's physical absence stop you from taking risks in your life just because somethings might go wrong. *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

jessica: ok! ill think about it! *smiles*

Santana: good girl! be sure to keep me in the loop with everything so i can make sure you arent up to no good! *laughs as does jessica then they both cuddle up to one another and fall asleep within a few seconds*

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