diagnosis to determines his life

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Dr. Tony: we arent sure how anyone missed the signs during your pregnancy or even after the delivery with Elliot, but all these examination results have all come down to one conclussion as to why Elliot has suddently been in so much distress... im sorry to tell you this but Elliot has a health condition called Spina bifida... *jessica and Tommy just look at each other with confussion because they have only ever heard of this condition in a few passing comments but they have never experienced having someone in their lives that actually have it* now im guessing by those looks that neither of you know that much about what Spina bifida is or how it can effect an individual? *Tony looks between the young couple as they shake their head. the doctor then goes on to expain everything they need to know about the condition and how it is most likely going to effect Elliot as he gets older and continues to develop more and more* ...so, since young elliot is dealing with this much pressure in his head its best that we get him operated on as soon as possible for a shunt. that way the tube that will be in your sons head, connecting all the way into his stomach, should hopefully drain all the excess fluids that are there but shouldn't be *looks at Jessica and Tommy just waiting for them to say something*

Tommy: *looks at Jessica and can see the fear in her eyes* if you are sure this will be whats best for him then we will do whatever it takes to give Elliot the best life possible. *smiles as Tony smiles back at him*

Jessica: *looks at Dr. Tony and Tommy as they wait for her to agree* ok! you can do it! *smiles weakly as she tries to be positive that Elliot is gonna be ok*

Dr.Tony: excellent! i promise you that your baby boy will be well looked after and we will be here for you all, whatever you guys need during Elliots recovery from this surgery! *smiles then takes Elliot from Jessica's arms and hands him over to a nurse who takes the baby to go and get the surgery they just spoke about.* you guys are more than welcome to phone your loved ones and update them on everything. but i do need to warn you that the maximum of visitors can only go up to 5 at a time. *smiles at the couple then walk out their room to give them some space and time to relax*

Jessica: *sees the doctor go out of view and that is when she just collapses back into tommy's arms and cries because she is so overwhelmed with everything and doesnt know how to feel about what the doctor has just told them about their baby boy that was only a week old*WHYYY... WHY HIM! *raises her voice a little. Tommy was expecting jessica to break like this after everything that has happened in the small amount of time they have been at the hospital so he just holds her close and speaks to her and tries to calm her down as much as he can*

*4 painfully slow hours later,its now 9:30am! Jessica and tommy were joined by their parents as a sleeping Elliot is wheeled into the private room in a small baby basket that is at the right height for Jessica to reach him while sitting down. as expected, jessica had to try and hold herself back from wanting to hold Elliot straight away. she was warned that its better for her to wait till he is awake again so jessica just sits back down next to her mum on the couch and Santana held her daughter to try and keep her calm*

Tommy: *was sat in a single chair next to where Elliot was placed, just looking down at him because he looked so peaceful for the first time all morning* would any of you ladies like a drink of anything? *turns round to his mums, santana and Jessica*

Annie: id like a cup of coffee, please! *smiles*

Harper: me too, hun! *smiles*

Santana: could i just have a bottle of water, please! *smiles*

Tommy: sure thing! *smiles at the 3 woman that have given him their orders then he kneels down infront of Jessica and takes hold of her hand so he can get her attention* what about you honey?

Jessica: *wipes the tears from her eyes then looks at Tommy* i dunno... can you just choose something for me? *smiles*

Tommy: of course i can! *smiles* ill be back in a minute! *kisses jessica then heads down to the cafeteria for the drinks*

jessica: *cuddles into her mum and gets lost in her thoughts, getting upset and beating herself up about everything* i cant do this! ...how am i supposted to know how to take care of a kid with special needs... he deserves so much better than this... better than me! *speaks quietly because of how much she has been crying*

Santana: dont speak like that! *speaks to Jessica with a sterm but loving tone* you are the best mother for that kid and you know it! *cups the side of jessica's face so she looks at her* look Munchkin, i know this isnt going to be the easiest of parenting moments for you. but you are so much stonger than you are giving yourself credit for. you and Tommy are gonna do an amazing job at raising Elliot and he is gonna have such an amazing childhood, no matter what this condition does to him. *smiles as Jessica Smiles back*

Jessica: yeah! i guess your right! thanks for talking some sense into me... again! *laughs because jessica was reminded of the many moments in her life where she would run to Santana and ask for advise or just to get a hug from her mum till she was feeling better and more confident about whatever dilemma she got herself into*

Santana: as always! *smirks as she sees Jessica laughing at her*

Jessica: i love you so much! *smiles at San*

Santana: i love you too Munchkin! *smiles at Jessica as they settle into their previous cuddle position just as tommy comes in with everyone's drinks*

Tommy: so... what did i miss? *looks at all the girls as he hands them their drinks*

Santana: *takes her drink* thanks! *looks back at tommy* your girl here was just trying to talk down on herself but dont worry because i talked some sense into her and made her feel better. *smiles as she nudges Jessica's arm and makes her smile*

Tommy: oh! *frowns as he looks at Jessica and takes her hand to hold it and draw light circles on the back of her hand in an attempt to comfort her. he was hoping that she wouldnt talk negatively about herself no matter how overwhelming this whole situation had become but hes not at all surprised that she is like santana in that aspect* would you like to go for some fresh air? *looks at Jessica* our mums can keep an eye on the little guy till we come back.

jessica: *looks at Elliot then back to her mum* ok... but only for a few minutes *wants to be here for Elliot waking up so she is hesitant to go anywhere*

Tommy: of course! we'll just go and have a seat outside till you say so *smiles at Jessica as she smiles back and lets Tommy give her a hand off the couch*

Santana: see you kids in a minute! *smiles as Jessica waves bye to her and Tommy says bye to his mums*

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