She is my everythimg

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*less than 10 minutes later*

Santana: *couldn't get out her head and get rid of the horrible feeling deep in her stomach* THATS IT! I can't take this anymore! *gets up and starts making her way
up the stairs*

Jessica: *looks round at her mum as does everyone else* where are you going? *feels like Santana is over exaggerating a little with the whole Brittany thing*

Santana: going to wake my wife up then I'll be slapping her across the face for scaring me like this! *continues to make her way up the stairs while everyone else just laughs at what she said and playfully rolls their eyes at how clingy Santana is making herself seem*

*once Santana reaches the bedroom that her and Brittany were staying in. The room is really dark so she makes her way over to her side of the bed to turn her bedside lamp on.*

Santana: *lays on her side of the bed and reaches up to kiss Brittany on the cheek* baby... it's almost lunch time! you need to wake up so we can go exploring and tick of our bucket list... *doesn't get any response or movement from Britt so she just tries again* come on baby, this is so not like you to sleep the day away... *waits for Brittany to wake up or show any sign that she hears san. but she doesn't and there is complete silence filling their room again* please wake up Britt-Britt, you're really scaring me! *starts to tear up and has the biggest lump in her throat. She just stares at Brittany's sleeping figure for a minute or so then she drops her head onto Britt's stomach with a big sigh. She gets lost in thought for a few minutes then she is hit with realisation that her head hasn't been slowly moving up and down by Brittany's breathing so she jolts up and removes the covers off of Brittany's body so san can inspect closer. Santana reaches out to grab hold of Brittany's hand and as soon as she has hold of it, she realises how cold it feels so she starts to breath frantically as she rest her head on Brittany's chest to listen for a heart beat. She gives it a minute or so just to be sure that her worst fear isn't actually becoming reality. But as soon as she excepts that she isn't getting anything, she collapses onto the bed and just sobs and is in total denial that this is really happening to her. she keeps repeating to herself that this is all a dream. her whole world crashes down around her as she hold onto Brittany and doesn't let go for nothing because she doesn't have the strength to except that she has really lost the love of her life and her best friend since forever*

*its been 10 minutes since Santana first went up the stairs so of course Annie volunteered to go and check on the girls and see if they were both sleeping or doing... other things. When Annie was about to open the door she stops in her tracks and puts her ear up to the door because she was sure she heard muffled crying and very quiet talking. She slowly open up the door and sees Santana curled up and has her head in Brittany's chest and her arm over Britt's torso as she sobs and talks to herself repeating the same this over and over again. Annie's heart breaks at the sight because she just knows that Santana's worst nightmare have happened and that's why she keeps repeating to herself "please don't go! I need you!". Annie slowly walks over to san and places her hand on Santana's back, which expectantly makes the brunette jump because she was so lost in a world of her own that she wouldn't have heard someone come in*

Santana: *hesitantly looks up to see who it is and sees Annie giving her a sympathetic look* s-she's g-gone! *breaths frantically from sobbing* SHE'S ACTUALLY GONE AND I HAVE NO ONE LEFT TO KEEP ME SAFE FROM MYSELF AND THIS FUCKED UP WORLD! *collapses back onto Brittany's chest and sobs even harder, so much so that she will probably end up making herself sick from. But clearly that will be the furthest thing from her mind right now*

Annie: *doesn't know what to say to make Santana feel better because she can't even begin to imagine how san is feeling right now. All she knows is that Santana won't care about anything anyone has to say to her because she has just lost her best friend/soul mate that she has been with since they were little kids* I'm so sorry San! I really really am! *sits by san and just rubs her back to give her the little bit of comfort that she can offer. For a couple of minutes all you can hear is Santana's distress. then she starts to speak to herself between sobs again and continues to try convince herself that it's just a bad dream*

*Annie can't just sit and watch Santana like this so she gets her phone out and texts Harper and tells her what's going on and that he needs to come up and help figure out how to get Santana to calm down enough so they can take her back down the stairs so she is out the way and distracted enough for Harper to make the calls to the people who deal with this sort of this and take the deceased to the funeral homes till their funeral is arranged.*

Harper: *reads the message and goes straight to where her wife is. She walks in the room and sees her wife look at her like she is about to cry so she opens her arms as an invitation for Annie to come over and hug her. Which she does without hesitation* it's ok! I'm here and I'm gonna help make sure that this goes as smoothly as possible for everyone, ok? *she whispers in her wife's ear as they hold onto each other in a tight embrace*

Annie: *speaks quietly so only Harper hears her* does the kids know?

Harper: not yet! Lets go down just now and tell them so we can make this next part as quick and painless as possible, ok? *speaks quietly and brushes her fingers through Annie's hair as they hesitantly let go of each other and head down the stairs*

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