my girl

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*meanwhile, back at Anna and Grace's house! Grace walks up and sees that Anna is still fast asleep. She would love to just let her continue to sleep for as long as she wants but grace is also to clingy to be the only one awake having to do chores around the house. So once grace contemplated her options a little longer she decided to wake Anna up*

Grace: *just came back out their shared bathroom and goes back onto the bed, cuddling Anna and lightly kissing her face and neck to try and wake her* come on baby, its time to wake up and do our adult duties. *laughs at herself because she knows thats not the way to make Anna wanna get out of bed*

Anna: *was waking up to the feeling of grace kissing her so she just moans a little because she cant for the life of her not get turned on by her wife* if you think that statement is gonna get me out of here then you better think again *laughs because she finally registered what Grace said*

grace: i was only joking! I'd never make you work that hard this early in the day. *smiles as she stares into Anna's eyes and holds her in her arms as Anna does the same*

Anna: good! I wasn't looking forward to you sleeping on the couch tonight. *laughs because she always threatens to put grace on the couch when she does something to piss Anna off*

Grace: the fact that i couldn't even leave you to sleep any longer because of my attachment issues. It's a clear indication that I wouldn't cope sleeping on that old thing while you are up here on this cloud-like mattress. *smiles as Anna smiles back*

Anna: yeah! I haven't gone without a cuddle buddy since we were teenagers so please don't do anything stupid between now and tonight that will trigger me *giggles a little a she cuddles more into Grace's chest and tangles there're legs up so they are as close as humanly possible to each other*

Grace: so... would you like to go down for some breakfast with our son or do you just wanna hide away in the room together and let him fend for himself? *looks down at Anna and brushes her fingers through her hair just out of habit*

Anna: *sighs deeply as if she is really thinking about her options* i know he is all grown up now but you know how i feel about my baby being being too independent and showing that she doesn't need us as much as he used to. *frowns at the thought of max moving out and living half way across the world and only visiting the 2 women on special occasions*

Grace: *is a lot more laid back and open about max being his age but because she loves Anna so much, she makes sure she doesn't say anything to incentive to upset her wife* ok! Well how about we go and make some breakfast for the three of us then ill wake max up so he can come and join us and see if he wants to do anything in particular today. *smiles as anna lifts her head off Grace's chest to look up at her*

Anna: *smiles at how Grace always knows the right things to say to stop Anna from getting lost in her negative train of thought* id love that! *cuddles grace some more as they stay in bed for a little while longer just enjoying the peaceful environment and each other's company*

*just then Grace gets a call from Santana. They planned the day before that she would be doing the school run so grace freaks out a little as if san is phoning to say that she could no longer do it or something has happened with one of the kids at school so now they will need picked up*

*on the phone with Santana*

Grace: hey! What's up? *was obviously trying to keep her nerves bay so Anna doesn't start to worry*

Santana: that damn nurse had one job and she couldn't even do it! *wasn't shouting but you could tell by the angry tone in her voice that she was close to punching something*

Grace: *knew straight away that san must have been talking about the nurse that goes in to help Elliot with his toilet stuff during school hours* you're kidding me on! *scoffs and sees Anna look at her with worry because she has no idea what's happened. Grace just continues to talk on the phone while she uses her free hand to brush her fingers though Anna's hair and cuddle her to stop her from Anna's thoughts going to wild*

Santana: i wish i was! That woman is just lucky that i wasn't super busy running errands. It's like she doesn't take Elliot condition seriously and cant see that he is the one that is left to suffer with unimaginable stuff if people like her cant be where they are supposed to be at the arranged times we spoke about when she first met with Elliot *was going back and forth in her living room because she was so worked up and didn't know what to do with herself*

Grace: so have you been in to see him now? *felt so bad for elliot having to go through stuff like this*

Santana: yeah! He called as soon as he realised she didn't show up and i went straight to him. Luckily he wasn't as sore as he has been in the past but I'm still so annoyed that she even put him in this situation in the first place. He's so fragile and i cant risk losing him because someone decided not to be there for him then they promised me they would take care of him *sighs deeply as she tries to stop herself from braking down*

Grace: yeah! I totally see what your saying! We will just need to talk to her and make it clear that she has to take these things more seriously. She could have at least called one of us before hand to warn us that she wouldn't be there and give us a reasonable explanation.

Santana: exactly! Ill be giving a call right now and get her told.

Grace: well, just take a minute to get some fresh are and calm down. I don't want my next call of the day coming from the police department, telling me that you went batshit crazy of the woman *laughs and tries to lighten the mood the best way she knows how*

Santana: i don't think i can make that promise G! It's a risk we all just have to take when someone comes and messes with my family and thinks they can get away with it. *laughs*

grace: true! *laughs* well, go and make the call then give me a text to let me know how much damage has been made so i can at least prepare myself. *laughs as she continues to joke and ease the tension*

Santana: will do! Bye for now!

Grace: see ya! *hangs up then turns back to Anna and cuddles her like before*

Anna: *was laying on grace's chest again and cuddling her, feeling a little more at ease after hearing her laugh and joke around despite whatever san originally phoned for* what happened? Are the kids ok?

Grace: *brushes her fingers through Anna's hair mindlessly* the kids are ok! Elliot's nurse just didn't show up when she needed too so san had to go in and help him which wasn't a problem for her. She's just stressed out that the woman didn't even think to calm before hand to say that she wouldn't be able to make it. So Santana is phoning her and I'm sure we will have some damage control to do later but lets just forget about it for now and continue to have a chill day together. How does that sound? *smiles as Anna smiles back*

Anna: yes please! I don't want to be fighting with anyone today so ill just leave it to the master of "going Lima heights on idiots"

Grace: i agree! *smiles and kisses Anna* lets go make some food because my stomach is going crazy! *laughs as does Anna then they get up and make their way downstairs , into the kitchen*

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