little bodyguard

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Santana: *looks at elliot* ill go get you your clothes then you can get changed in here so you get privacy from all us ladies. *leaves for a few second then comes back with elliots underwear and a onezie*

Elliot: *takes his clothes from santana* thanks! ill be out in a minute! *sees san leave the bathroom so he gets dressed then joins in on the games everyone was playing*

Grace: *sees san take a seat next to jasmine* FINALLY! we were starting to think that you guys got sucked down the drain or something *laughs as does everyone else. while santana and elliot just look at each other and smile weakly because the were thinking back to the conversation that was had once elliot saw the scars on his grandma's arms*

Santana: yeah, sorry about that! we got carried away with chatting. *looks at grace as she looks back*

Grace: its alright1 we forgive you! *smiles as san smiles back then they continue to play the game they started*

*20 minutes later! they just finished the game and santana won so she was rubbing it in everyones faces because she is just so competetive that she cant help it*

Santana: so turns out blue really is my lucky colour! *smiles as everyone smiles back*

Anna: one of these days im gonna beat you it this game! *is such a sore loser and everyone knows it so they just laugh at her*

Santana: dont kid yourself hun, you've been telling me that since you and jess were 10 years old. you're just gonna have to accept that me and britt are the champs of this game and thats never gonna change. *smiles proudly*

Anna: ...whatever! *playfully rolls her eyes*

Grace: *puts her arms round anna and pulls her close* dont worry babe, you're still my winner! *smiles at anna, getting lost in her eyes*

anna: *melts at grace always saying the right things to make sure anna isnt feeling sad or any type of negative emotion* thanks baby! *kisses grace*

*Santana was genuinly happy that the girls had each others backs. but being the way she is, san just couldnt help but make gagging noises. acting like she was witnessing the most disturbing thing in history. anna just snaps out of her gase on her girl and slaps santana on the arm, sending her a warning look*

Jasmine: *watches the 3 adults interacting. and when she saw anna hit santana, she went full on protective mode and threw herself onto santana's lap to guard her from anna* STOP THE VIOLENCE! *frowns as she looks up at anna*

Santana: *giggles at jasmine because she reminded santana about how over protective brittany was when it came to any sort of violence* dont worry sweetheart! im ok! *smiles at jasmine to reasure her that it didnt hurt*

Jasmine: *looks at her grandma then turns back to anna. she wasnt happy with her because she still hasnt said sorry for hitting santana. so she wasnt gonna let her get away with it that easily* say you're sorry! *crosses her arms over her chest*

Anna: *giggles because she didnt realise that she would end up getting told off by a 4 year old tonight* im sorry *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: *shakes her head* not to me! say sorry to grandma! *has her eyes on anna, just waiting for her to say something*

Anna: *knows that it shouldnt be that big of a deal because santana has already made it clear that she wasnt hurt. but for jasmines sake, anna will try not to laugh and just apologise so they can all move on* in sorry san! *smiles at santana*

Santana: *was also taking it seriously because she can see that it clearly means alot to jasmine that santana is respected properly. which makes san happy because now she can have a reason to feel closer to britt, having a mini bodyguard by her side* thank you! *smiles at anna then looks down at the now happy 4 year old* you feeling better now? *cant help but smile at how quick jasmine's mood changes*

Jasmine: yep! *smiles up at santana* are you ok grandma? *has a look of worry in her eyes*

Santana: i couldnt be better! *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: *smiles at san then turns round to look at everyone* can we play a different game now? *gets all excited like she didnt just tell off an adult for being violent*

Elliot: as long as you dont go attacking anyone again! *laughs as he thinks about everything that just happened after the first game ended*

Jasmine: anna started it! *pouts and crosses her arms over her chest defensively, making everyone laugh all over again*

Elliot: *puts his hands up defensively and laughs* im only joking jazzy- bear! *smiles at jasmine as she tries to stay mad at her big bro* ...i love you! *sees that jasmine is about to crack*

Jasmine: i love you too El! *smiles at Elliot and totally forgets why she was mad in the first place*

Elliot: *smiles at his little sister* what game we gonna play next?

Jasmine: *looks at the pile of board games infront of her* how about that one? *points to a game called frustration*

Elliot: i think shes trying to tell us something ya'll *laughs as he looks up at anna as she realises what he ment by that*

Anna: yeah! if i didnt know any better then id think that she knew what that word said and means. *laugh*... anyway, lets get this game started because its not long till dinner is gonna be here. *and just on cue, there was a knock at the door!*

Grace: ill get it! *gets up and goes to answer the door then she appears a few seconds later with a cart with a bunch of different plates of food on it then on the shelf below it was a selection of juices and a bottle of red whine for the adults*

Santana: you kiddo's go and get your hands washed while me and the girls get the table cleared for dinner, ok? *looks at elliot as he wheels to the bathroom with other 2 following close behind him*

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