dont wanna miss a thing

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*over the next month the girls were doing the best they could to get the kids settled in and adjust to everything. also Elliot was managing to step up as a big brother and help out when Jasmine would get fussy at night and would scream and cry for her parents. Elliot would always be the one to sing to her because that calmed her down when she was a baby and luckily it still worked for her. but once Elliot got help getting himself settled and into bed, thats when he would finally break and wish that his parents where still around because he misses them and the fun they used to have. but he pushes through and is grateful that he's not having to go through all of this alone hecause he still has his grandmothers and now he has Anna and Grace. plus he gets to go to school like normal and hang out, having a laugh with his best mate carlos. forgetting all his troubles for a few hours each day*

Jasmine: *its now a saturday and Jasmine just woke up from another nightmare about what she remembers about the car crash. where the car started spining and everything outside her window became a blur before everything got dark* El... *starts crying as she burries her head into Elliot*

Elliot: *woke up and saw that jasmine was crying again* shhh its ok.... you're ok...* he just placed her on his stomach and hugged her close, whispering sweetly into her ear, trying to help her go back to sleep and dream about all the make believe stuff that she would love to have in the world*

*a couple hours later the sun was up and thats how elliot woke up a second time. only this time he had Jasmine's weight on his chest so he couldnt go anywhere even if he wanted to.*

Elliot: *looked over at his phone and saw that it was just after 10am. he thought that he should wake Jasmine up just so she wasnt gonna be up late at night* jazzy... come on Jazzy-bear... its time to wake up *rubs her back as he talks quietly to her*

Jasmine: *she yawns and stetches, then ends up falling off elliot from moving to much so that made them both giggle* hey El, do you have school today? *is only 3 so she has no concept of the time and day. she just knows that Elliot has to be away alot of the days because he has big boy school, as Jasmine calls it*

Elliot: nope! we have an entire 2 days to play together and do whatever you want. *smiles as Jasmine smiles back*

Jasmine: *rolls over and gets onto her feet and jumps on the bed* YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! *gets all excited because 2 days is a long time for someone her age*

Elliot: *laughs at his sister for always being so excited to be doing stuff with him* alright Jazzy, calm down now! *says it in a serious but nice tone so Jasmine doesnt think she is getting into trouble* so, what do you wanna do first? *smiles as Jasmine sits down infront of elliot and is still smiling from ear to ear*

jasmine: umm... *puts on her thinking face* how about we go and make a den... then we can dress up and play prince and princess... then we can watch a movie...then we can go and play on your swing in the garden... and then- *gets so excited about all the stuff she wants to do with elliot as if they have all the time in the world. elliot cuts her off because he knows that its not possible for him to do everything she wishes he could. he also knows that Jasmine gets worn out easily so he tries to be realistic in a way that wont get her hopes up*

Elliot: WOW! slow down just a little bit... *laughs at his sister geting so ahead of herself* jazzy, i dont think we will have time for all of this crazy adventuring today. so how about we just start with getting dressed and eating breakfast, then we can go out on the swing for a bit. and then we can see how we are feeling before you decide what to do next. how does that sound? *smiles at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: alright! could you go and see if grace or anna are a wake to help me out? *smiles at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! ill be right back! *gets off Elliot's bed and runs out the room for about 5 minutes*

*in the girls room! anna and Grace were awake and were just cuddled up in bed chatting and enjoying the peace and quiet*

Grace: *gets several kisses by anna that makes her giggle* whats gotten into you this morning? *smiles as anna continues to act all clingy*

Anna: *smiles at Grace* i dunno... *laughs then snuggles as close as she can and rest her head of Gace's chest*

Grace: *has known Anna long enough to know that there is definitely something going on* hun...

Anna: *looks up at Grace* yeah?

Grace: are you sure you're ok? *mindlessly brushes her fingers through anna's hair*

Anna: *sighs because she doesn't wanna ruin the mood just because she woke up and started overthinking about life* i just feel like i dont show you as much love and appreciation anymore. and with everything happening recently im just scared im gonna loose you then ill spend the rest of my life wishing we could have had more time together to do the things we love together and just experience all the joy and happiness the world has to offer. and make sure we give the kids the most amazing and memorable childhood they can possibly get. im so sorry i have been so distant and snappy with you. i just dont know how to deal with the emotions of grief, especially since Jessica was my longes and stongest friendship! *starts tearing up as she finally allows herself to properly cry about her best friends death since she has been so busy making sure that Elliot and Jasmine were settled in ok*

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