special bond beyond the clouds

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Santana: *goes through to max's room and sees him sitting on his bean bag playing video games. He takes his headphones off and looks at san as soon as she comes to his door* lunch is ready!

Max: just coming! *puts his controller down and gets up to go down stairs while san goes to wake up Elliot*

Santana: *sits on the edge of Elliot's bed and kisses him on the head as she speaks softly to him* hey sweetie! How you feeling? *looks down as Elliot wakes up*

Elliot: my stomach is acting up again and is shooting pain right into my rib for some reason. *looks up at san as she looks at him sympathetically*

Santana: that's not good! Do you think you can try to eat a bit of lunch or do you wanna just continue to sleep longer till the pain goes away? *rubs Elliot's stomach as they talk*

Elliot: is it ok if I just sleep some more? I don't really want jasmine seeing me in pain and worrying about me *smiles weakly as he curls up into a ball because the pain is really getting to him*

Santana: of course you can! Grace can just leave some left overs for you to have whenever you feel readY for it *smiles as she leans over and gives Elliot one last kiss on the head before leaving him to rest while she joins the others for lunch*

*once downstairs, san explains to the girls that Elliot wasn't feeling well so he's just gonna eat later. Of course the couple were understanding of this and they all just at there food together and made small talk, laughing about random stuff*

*a little less than an hour later! Jasmine was drawing some pictures, max and Elliot were laying on the couch watching tv and the adults were helping each other do the dishes to make sure the table was all tidied and ready for their next meal*

Grace: *finished washing the dishes so she left the 2 other ladies drying everything and went to dry her hands off. Then she went into check on the kids. A few seconds go by and she comes out the living room with jasmine in her arms* this is adorable! Check it out san! *admires the drawing and was able to guess straight away that Jasmine was the one to draw it for her Grandma even without asking the toddler*

Anna: what is it? *bends down as jasmine runs over and shows her the drawing she just did* wow! That's amazing! *smiles at jasmine then sees Santana walk over to look at the drawing too*

Santana: *looks over in jasmines direction and sees the drawing that She done* oh my... that's a very colourful drawing sweetheart! *smiles as jasmines smiles back* who's this person? *points to the stick figure on the page as Anna and grace admire the drawing also*

Jasmine: this is grandma Britty *points to the stick figure* and this is her pet unicorn. *points to the colourful unicorn*

Santana: *takes the drawing and gives jasmine and big hug and a kiss before the toddler runs off back into the living room* oh man! Here I go again!  *stares at the drawing with tears in her eyes*

Grace: thats so sweet that she thought to do that for you today! ...she must have sensed that it isnt the easiest day for you and wanted to make you smile. *smiles softly at san*

Santana: *looks up at Grace and tears up thinking of Brittany not being here to feel the love from their sweet grandchildren * yeah! she is such a smart little girl for someone her age. im so lucky to have such amazing grandchildren. *smiles*

Anna: speaking of the little monkey's, we should probably get going so we can stop off at the shop on the way so you can get the things you would like to get for your misses. *smile as she takes the car Keys of the kitchen counter as well as her phone*

Santana: yeah! lets go! *smiles then goes to get elliot from the living room as Grace gets the other 2 kids and helps them get their jacket and shoes on as well as her own*

*on the 10 minute drive to the cemetery, Santana was cuddled up with jasmine in the back with max on the other side of Jasmine. then elliot was in the boot while Anna and Grace were in the front. the music was playing and everyone was singing and dancing just enjoying their time together. as soon as they parked up outside the gate of the cemetery, thats when Santana finally let her walls break and her emotions got the best off her because she had started crying and jasmine was so quick to wrap san up in a hug, talking to her to try and make her feel better*

Jasmine: come on Grandma! you can hold my hand if it makes you feel better. *smiles inoccently*

Santana: *smiles through the tears, feeling grateful how caring jasmine is and how she is so much like brittany where she will do whatever it takes to keep everyone happy* thank you Sweetie! *gets out the car then helps jasmine get out the car. once san gets elliot in his chair, she goes back over to Jasmine and holds her hand as they walk through the gate and up the path towards Brittany's' grace* here we are! *looks round at everyone and laughs nervously as the 2 adults give her looks of sympathy and jasmine being the little inocent girl she is, she just smiles at her*

Jasmine: grandma, can i give grandma britty the flowers please? *smiles*

Santana: *was just stood in place staring into space as she looks in the direction of Brittany's grave* of course you can! *smiles at Jasmine as she plasses the bouquet of flowers to the 3 year old and watches as she crouches down to give Britt the flowers*

Jasmine: *places the flowers right infront of britany's stone* here you go grandma Britty! i helped Grandma Tana Pick them out for you. she says they are your favourite. *smiles up at Tana as she gives a tear filled smile back to the girl infront of her. Jasmine then turns back round to Britt's Stone to talk some more* happy brithday grandma Britty! i hope you have fun dancing in the clouds with the angels *then a suprise to everyone, Jasmine kisses her hand then places her hand on Brittanys name. this made everyone tear up, especially Santana. because she still cant explain how happy it makes her that her grandchildren have such a good bond with Brittany even though they never got to meet each other*

Santana: *helps Jessica back onto her feet then she lifts her up and gives her a big hug* that was Beautiful sweetheart ! im sure your Grandma Britt is smilng down at you from the clouds right now. she'll be blowing you so many air kisses im sure *smiles as Jasmine smiles back then looks up at the clouds with a big smile on her face*

Grace: *had her arms wrapped round Anna's torso from behind and lifted her head off her shoulder to talk to santana* hey san... would you like to have a moment alone to say what you wanted to say to Britt? *smiles as san smiles back and nods her head as she puts jasmine down to stand on her own 2 feet* come on jazzy! lets go get the stuff from the car for when your Grandma is ready. *smiles as she reaches out to hold Jasmine's hand and walk back to the car with Anna , Elliot and max following close behind*

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