angels all around us

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Santana: *tries to hold back her own tears and focus on the little girl that is in her arms right now* i wish she could sweetie, but shes an angel now just like her other mama's.

Jasmine: its not fair! why did she have to leave us! ... i really, really miss her! *hold onto san and doesnt let go*

Santana: i know you do! ... im sorry sweetie but this is just what happens sometimes. but dont be sad because you still have me, your other grandparents, your big brother, max, anna and Grace. we all love you very much and we want you to be the happy and bright little girl you have always been. *smiles weakly as Jasmine looks up at Santana with tears running down her face*

Jasmine: but i dont know how! i just so sad because mama and dada are gone and i dont get to hug them anymore. *has sad eyes as santana tries her best to make jasmine feel better*

Santana: i know! *sighs* ... how about i give you cuddles in my bed then when we wake up, me, you, elliot and max can go to the park later so you kids can all run about and play. then we can have a picnic together... would that make you happy? *looks down at Jasmine with hope that she will say yes because she usually loves going to the park*

Jasmine: i guess! *still sounds so down and it breaks santana's heart to see someone as young as Jasmine going through such a big loss*

Santana: alright! lets go get cuddled up and we can tell the boys all about our plan when we wake up. *smiles at Jasmine as she carries her through to her room and they get under the covers and cuddle*

Jasmine: *was laying in bed cuddling Santana, trying to go to sleep but she just couldnt stop thinking about her parents* grandma...

Santana: yeah, sweetheart ?... *looks down at Jasmine, wondering what she is gonna say now*

Jasmine: could you sing to me please! elliot always sings to me when i cant sleep. *smiles up at San*

Santana: of course i can! just close your eyes and listen to my voice. *smiles as jasmine smiles back then closes her eyes and shuffled as close to san as possible. Santana starts to sing "need a little love" just because thats the first song that came to mind since she was thinking about how alone and confused Jasmine is feeling right now*

*bye the end of the song jasmine was fast asleep and Santana was struggling to keep her eyes open. so she gave jasmine a quick kiss on the head then She lay her head down and fell asleep straight away*

*a couple of hours later! its now 11am and santana woke up to see that Jasmine was no longer next to her. so she got out of bed and made her way through to the kids room and when she walked closer to the one elliot was in, she heard him and jasmine talking to each other. she stands outside the door a little longer and hears elliot mention that it is, what would have been his grandma Britty's 63 birthday today*

Jasmine: *looks at Elliot with confusion all over her face because she still isnt quite sure who Brittany is, since she past way before jasmine was born* who's that?

Elliot: she is the woman that Grandma tana married. but sadly she passed away before you and i had the chance to meet her. *smiles weakly because he has grown up hearing so many amazing things about brittany and how fun she was to be around*

*santana was still stood outside the door and now had a few tears running down her face from hearing the kids talk about Brittany and how they feel sad about not getting to meet her*

Jasmine: i cant wait to be an angel and meet her! and see mama and dada too. *smiles as she thinks about how she will be giving her parents the biggest hug ever*

Elliot: yeah! me too. *Smiles as Jasmine smiles back*

*there is a moment of silence as Elliot and Jasmine sit on the bed and cuddle up to each other. so thats when Santana pulls herself together and lightly knock on the door to let herself be known*

Jasmine: *lifts her head off Elliots shoulder* I GOT IT! *she scrambles to the end of the bed and excitedly makes her way to the bedroom door* hey Grandma! *smiles and lifts her arms up so Santana can lift her*

Elliot: morning Gradma! *smiles as San walks over to sit on the edge of the bed and talk to the kids*

Santana: good morning my little monkey's *smiles at Elliot then turns to Jasmine and tickles her tummy to make her laugh* did you sleep ok? *looks up at Elliot*

Elliot: its was alright! a little bit of pain in my stomach in the middle of the night but nothing i cant handle. *puts on a brave face so Santana doesnt worry too much*

Santana: im sorry to hear that Kiddo! would you like to come down for some breakfast or do you just wanna stay in bed a little longer?

Elliot: umm... i think ill come down and see how i feel about maybe having a bite to eat

Santana: alright! *stands up and places Jasmine on the ground so she can walk ahead while San helps Elliot get to the chair lift on the stairs* got it? *sees Elliot sit on the seat and look for the right button to make the seat move*

Elliot: *finds the button he is looking for then he smiles up at his Grandma* got it!

Santana: awesome! lets get down there to make sure your little sister isnt climbing up to the cupboards already. *laughs as does elliot then he presses and holds the button so the chair can take him down stairs. Santana quickly goes back to check on max then she goes down the stairs just as Elliot stopped at the bottom* wow, im fast for a 60 something year old! *jokes about how she got down the stairs not long after elliot, even though he got a head start*

Elliot: *laughs at his Grandma's sassy attitude* yeah, yeah, whatever! *playfully rolls his eyes because he doesnt actually care about winning stuff like that. he knows and has excepted that he has to do things differently and at a slower pace than everyone because thats just the way he was born*

Santana: *is so happy and proud that Elliot can now laugh and joke around about his uniqeness and doesnt let anyone bring him down for it* come on you! i think i hear some little feet roaming around here somewhere. *laughs with elliot as they walk into the kitchen to see Jasmine crouched down infront of one of the cupboards. obviously trying to find where the cereal is kept*

Elliot: jazzy-bear, what do you think you are doing? *laughs as he jokes with his baby sister*

Jasmine: *falls on her bum as she gets a little fright because she didnt notice that Elliot and her grandma had come into the room* El you're a meanie... you scared me! *sits on the floor with her legs out infront of her and her arms crossed over her chest as she looks up at Elliot with a grumpy face*

Elliot: *leans against the kitchen counter to hold himself up as he looks at Jasmine and tries not to laugh at her for being such a cute grumpy person, which is not intimidating at all. but of course he cant tell her that because he knows it will just hurt her feelings* im sorry Jazzy! you know i never meant to scare you. i was just having a little fun. *smiles as he looks at Jasmine trying to stay mad at him but failing miserably because she loves him to much and they are still the best of friends no matter how many times they upset each other. whether its on purpose or not*

Santana: *smiles at the interaction between her grandchildren and is so grateful that they are so good with each other and she doesnt have her hands full with misbehaved children. like how she used to think all kids were like, no matter who they were*

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