home sweet home x10

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*not long after Jessica and Tommy came back inside, Elliot woke up and to everyones surprise he wasnt crying at all, he would just try to make little noises to get their attention. once jessica was holding elliot, he just lay in her arms smiling up at his parents like he didnt just have to go through a major surgery*

Jessica: you are such a stong little boy and you arent even a month old yet! *laughs in disbelief* mama is so proud of you! *smiles down as elliot smiles back at her*

*the couple spent a few more days in the hospital with Elliot just so the doctors could keep an eye on him and make sure the surgery worked the way it was supposted to*

*3 days later it was a friday and jessica was up by 6:30am just like she had been every other day they had stayed in the hospital. because she was just so paranoid that Elliot wasnt ok. but to her suprise, Elliot would sleep soundly until 9am or 10am every day and the only reason he would get a luttle fussy was if he was needing some milk*

Tommy: this parenting thing is a peice of cake! *smiles up at Jessica as he sees her putting a fresh nappy on Elliot*

Jessica: *holds elliot in her arms as she makes her way back over to the little couch in the corner of the room* it really is! here i though i was gonna be all over the place with everything. but he is the calmest, most smiley baby ive every met *smiles at TOmmy then looks to see Elliot trying to reach up and grab Jessica's necklace*

Dr. Tony: *knocks on the door then enters the room to see the family* good morning everyone! how are you all doing? *smiles as he walks into the room and sits on the chair on the opposit side of the bed*

Tommy: we are all perfect! *smiles* me and jessica were just saying how Elliot is one of the easiest, most calm and smiley babies we've every known *smiles at Jessica then to Tony*

Dr. Tony: thats great! im so happy to hear that you guys are getting on so well. looks like this wee guys is gonna be outdoing all out expectations of him with his condition *smiles as the couple smile back, then Elliot stants making little noises as he smiles at everyone* so, im sure you will all be happy to hear that you are now able to go home and get Elliot settled. and if you every have any troubles with anything to do with his condition then just give me a call and ill be more that happy to help out *smiles*

Tommy: with do! we cant thank you enough for all you have done to help keep us right with what Elliot has needed *smiles*

Dr. Tony: no worries at all! *smiles* ...well ill leave you to get all packed up and ill see you guys at the front desk when you are all done. *everyone says by one last time then he goes out the room.*

*back at home! annie, harper, santana, anna and grace were all at Jessica and Tommy's place setting up a little welcome home thing. they were just gonna surprise Tommy and jessica with a little celebatory lunch, to celebrate Elliot making it through his first of many big hurdles that he will have to go through in his life, now that he has been diagnosed with his condition*

Max (grace and anna's kid): *was on the look out to let everyone know when he saw Jessica's car pull up. because ever since they got to the house, he had been nagging his mum about giving him a task to do so he could help out with the surprise. so he was very excited to be a guard type thing. as most little kids do when they get given a task at a special event, Max took his position very seriously and he would keep telling anyone off for trying to distract him by talking to him about something other than what he was supposed to be doing* ...THEY"RE HERE! THEY"RE HERE! *quickly closes the curtians then runs off into the kitchen to tell Harper whats going on*

Harper: come on then! lets turn all the lights off so we can surprise them *takes Max by the hand as they go back into the living room with everyone and find a seat to sit on*

*Jessica and tommy walked into their house with Elliot in her arms. once they had put their stuff down and taken their shoes of  they all make their way to the living room but before Tommy could reach for the light swich, Max turned it on and was stood on the arm of the couch when everyone excitedly says surprise. Jessica and Tommy get a bit of a fright but once they see who is all there, there is nothing but smiling faces as everyone goes up to greet the couple and Elliot. Santana of course was the first one to get to elliot so she just held him in her arms and sat back down on the couch as everyone else finished greeting each other*

Tommy: so San, will me and my wife be getting out child back any time soon? *laughs because he still cant believe how much of a baby person san has become ever since Elliot came around*

Santana: probably not big guy! *smiles at Tommy then goes back to talking to Elliot in her best baby voice*

Tommy: well alright then! *laughs as he and jessica get settled into their usual position on the couch where Jessica sits on Tommy's lap because she tells him the couch isnt comfy enough for her. he knows shes just messing with him but he isnt complaining because he loves her so much that he would be more than happy to do this and cuddle with her till they are all old and grey*

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