new addition to the family

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*skip a couple more months! Jessica is at the end of her pregnancy and she is in a much messier state than she was the last time she saw her mum back when the pregnancy was anounced. Tommy was doing such a good job at looking after her and getting Jessica whatever she needed since she couldnt move around much. but he didnt mind at all because he knows that their stress of the pregnancy is all gonna be worth it when they will finally get to hold their baby boy for the first time*

Tommy: *sat down on jessica's side of the bed because he just woke her up from her afternoon nap* hey sleepyhead! how you feeling? *talks softly too her since she just woke up and he also dont wanna do something wrong now that Jessica is alot more sensative due to her hormones being hightened*

Jessica: *yawns and stretches* tired! so ready for this little guy to just be here already *holds her stomach and scrunches up her face in discomfort due to a sharp pain shooting through her stomach*

Tommy: i know *smiles sypathetically as he rubs her stomach* would you like me to get you anything?

Jessica: umm... can we cuddle? *smiles up at Tommy*

Tommy: *smiles at Jessica* of course we can! *gets up and goes round to his side of the bed so he can get in and cuddles up to Jessica*

Jessica: *looks lovingly into Tommy's eyes as they cuddle up to one another* im not sure if its because my hormones are more sensative and extreme but you look super sexy today *laughs at her bluntness because of how she used to really stuggle to talk about her true feelings with anyone, no matter the situation*

Tommy: *giggles and blushes* thanks babe! you are very beautiful as always. *smiles as Jessica shakes her head in disbelief* ...stop that! you are stunning! *smiles as he cups the side of jessica's face and lightly drags his thumb across her cheek as he admires her*

Jessica: but im so chubby and bloated! *tries to hide her face in tommy's chest*

Tommy: you are carrying our little human in you so of course your body has changed a little from what you are used to. but that doesnt take away from the amazingly attractive girl that i hvae been with for years, ok? i dont want you talking down on yourself like this. *smiles then leans in to kiss jessica as she smiles back*

Jessica: ive always wanted to have a kid and have a family with you but i just wish the whole pregnancy part of it didnt come with so many different emotions that like to mess with me like this. its like being on a rollercoaster... and we all know how i feel about rollercoasters *turns serious for a moment before laughing as does Tommy*

Tommy: i know! but just think about how worth it will be once we finally get to see the little guy and we will finally be a family *smiles as jessica smiles back*

Jessica: you're right! ill try focus on the positives. no matter how much labour is gonna hurt like hell on earth *scrunches her face in disaproval which makes Tommy laugh*

Tommy: you're so cute! *kisses Jessica on the head then just continues to lay there and hold onto her*

*a few days later Jessica is woken up about 4:20 am because her water has just broken, which means that her contractions have started and she is in so much distress that Tommy jumps up to help get jessica and her stuff into the car for going to the hospital. as soon as they get to the hospital a nurses are rushing over to the couple because jessica sobs and words of discomfort are heard by all that are near. to make quick work of wheeling jessica into a private room and placed onto the bed while Tommy is chatting with one of the doctors about what is going on and instructed how the birth is going to go down so that he is fully prepared to be there for Jessica the way she needs him to be*

*8 hours of being cooped up in the hospital room. Jessica's contractions have been getting closer together and have been getting stornger. so Tommy hasnt left her side and has been speaking soothing words of love and encouragment to her as she hold his had for dear life*

nurse no.1: alright! mrs and mr stewart, are you's ready to bring your baby boy into the world?! *was sat at the end of jessica's hospital bed, getting ready to deliver the baby*

Tommy: sure are! *smiles excitedly as the nurse smiles back then he turns to Jessica and kisses her on the head as he holds her hand in his left and uses his right hand to brush his fingers through the top of her hair*

Nurse no.1: alright! lets do it sweetie! *smiles encouraginly to jessica as she weakly smiles back because she has become so exhausted form her contractions already*

*10 long and painful hours later! a beautiful and healthy baby boy is brought into the world and there is so much tears of joy between the couple as Tommy praises jessica for being so strong and getting through the whole thing.*

nurse no.2: mr stewart... would you like to do the honours of cutting the umbilical cord? *looks up at the happy couple as she gets the stuff ready for when the baby is detached from his mother*

Tommy: *suddenly gets so nervous that he will do soemthing wrong to hurt jessica or his son* a-are you sure?

nurse. no.1: of course! there's nothing to be nervous about *gives an encouraging smile as Tommy walks over to her*

*once the baby was detached from jessica, tommy sat by her side while the 2 nurses got their baby all cleaned off and wrapped up before they hand him over to jessica*

*for the next day and a bit Jessica rests and recovers from her birthing. while tommy keeps and eye on his wife and their newborn, occasionally getting visits from the nurses who come in to check up on the mother and son to make sure they are both still healthy and happy. then by lunchtime on daqy 2 at the hospital, they family are discharged from the hospital and made their way home, being more carful and alert of their surroundings now that they have a newborn as a passenger of the car*

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