its all about you

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Elliot: *just finished taking his last shot as does carlos because they were the last in line to play the game* well... thats embarrassing! *laughs as he looks up to the score board like everyone else and he sees that his mum and 3 year old sister has won the game*

jessica: *was smiling and doing a happy dance with Jasmine in her arms giggling* we did it babygirl! highfive... *raises her hands so Jasmine can give her a highfive*

Jasmine: did you see that dada! me and mama won! *smiles proudly*

Tommy: i see it babygirl... well done! *smiles then kisses Jasmine on the head* i think that calls for some victory ice cream, what do you think? *smiles as he sees Jasmine's eyes light up at the mention of ice cream*

Jasmine: really?... can i really get some ice cream mama? *looks at Jessica*

jessica: you sure can! but as long as you eat some proper food first! * looks at Jasmine*

jasmine: i will mama! *smiles*

jessica: awesome! lets go get some food then *smiles as she walks back to hand her bowling shoes in, along with jasmines's and the boys do the same before making their way out to the car*

Tommy: *turned in his seat to see that everyone was all buckled in* so, where would the birthday boy like to eat? *smiles at Elliot*

Elliot: hmm... *thinks for a moment* how about pizza hut? *smiles at his parents*

Tommy: alright, lets go! *smiles at elliot then drives to pizza hut*

*later that night! they got back home about 10pm! so jasmine was out like a light since it is way past her bedtime. Elliot and carlos made their way up to elliot room and just got ready for bed so they could go back to the living room to watch a movie. meanwhile jessica took Jasmine upstairs and changed her into her pj's since she still had her princess dress on and it definitely wasnt going to be comfortable to sleep in*

Tommy: *was on his way to his room when Jessica came out of Jasmines room* hey beautiful! the boys are all set up for their movie downstairs and they are just gonna sleep on the couches. *stands in the hall holding jessica by the waist as she has her arms over Tommy's shoulders*

Jessica; alright! thats jazzy settled for the night as well. *smiles*

Tommy: sweet! *smiles and gets lost in jessica's eyes and she looks at Tommy*

jessica: did you talk to Elliot about just doing his birthday cake tommorow, before him and carlos leave for school?

Tommy: yeah! they were totally chill about it. *smiles*

jessica: great! *smiles*

Tommy: *there was a moment of silence as they get lost in each others eyes again* so... bedtime? *laughs because he feels like such an old man already because he cant ever stay up past midnight these days*

Jessica: heck yeah! *laughs because she feels exactly the same way* ...carry me? *gives Tommy her best puppy dog eyes*

Tommy: *laughs because he cant resist her puppy eyes* of course my queen! *smiles then picks jessica up bridal style then takes her into their room*

*the next day the teens were up and ready for school by 8:30am and Tommy just got back from dropping them off since he wanted to let jessica have a lie in after the events of yesterday.*

Tommy: *takes his jacket and shoes off then goes up to see jessica* good morning my queen *lays next to Jessica*

Jessica: *yawns then turns round to cuddle Tommy* morning! *smiles as she closes her eyes again, this time just resting and not actually sleeping*

Tommy: how you feeling? *cuddles jessica as he rests head just above her so he is close enough to smell her strawberry shampoo*

Jessica: meh! ive been better to be honest! *thinks about the dream she had last night that has left her with mixed emotions*

Tommy: *repositions himself further down the bed so he can be at eye level with Jessica* whats wrong? ...did you have that same dream again last night? *looks at jessica as she looks up and him with sad eyes*

jessica: yeah! i just miss her so much! *tears up and the though of her mama britty*

Tommy: i know honey! *holds her close an just lets her cry into his chest*

Jessica: its been almost 15 years and im still feeling the same way that i did when it first happened *grips onto Tommy's shirt and cries as she gets lost in thought*

Jasmine: *woke up and heard her parents talking then as she got closer to their door she heard her mama crying so that made her sad* whats wrong mama? *is stood in the doorframe of her parents room as Tommy looks over at her*

Tommy: come here babygirl, i think mama needs some cuddles! *smiles as he sits up and reaches out to pick jasmine up and lay her between him and jessica*

Jasmine: *faces jessica and reaches out to cup the side of her face* why you sad mama? *frowns because she doesnt like when people are sad*

Jessica: dont worry babygirl, i was just talking about my mama and how much i miss her *smiles weakly*

Jasmine: oh! where did she go? *is too young to have picked up on any conversation about brittany so she has no idea what happened to her*

jessica: *looks at tommy then back to Jasmine* shes up in heaven! *sees Jasmine frown so jessica just grabs hold of her hand*

jasmine: i sorry mama! *frowns* ...what happened? *looks up at Jessica just waiting for her to speak*

Jessica: she wasnt feeling well, so one day she past away while we were all still sleeping. *frowns because she still doesnt understand how it happened because brittany was one of the healthiest people jessica had known*

jasmine: *without another word Jasmine just moves over and gives Jessica a big hug* dont worry mama! shes singing with the angels now! *jessica cant find the words right now so she just cries even more and is so greatful that her baby girl is so caring and smart. even when she doesnt fully understand the situation she will do whatever it takes to make sure people dont stay sad for too long* do you feel better now mama? *looks at Jessica with so much love and care*

Jessica: i do! thank you so much for the cuddles babygirl! you always know how to make all my sadness disappear. *smiles weakly because she still has a sharp pain in her chest thinking about brittany, but she doesnt wanna upset Jasmine so she just says what the little girl would want to hear*

jasmine: you're welcome mama! *smiles*

Tommy: girls... *both girls look at him* how about the 3 of us go out on an adventure to do all of mama's favourite things today? *smiles as he sees jessica looking up at him with so much love in her eyes*

Jessica: really? *smiles*

Tommy: of course! what ever you wanna do, me and jasmine will take you there! *smiles as jasmine smiles and nods her head so that makes Jessica smile*

jessica: ok! *smiles from ear to ear* im gonna go get ready *gets out of bed and squeals with excitement as she does a little happy dance that makes jasmine and Tommy laugh*

Tommy: *turns to jasmine once Jessica disappears into the bathroom to go freshen up* alright Jazzy-bear, lets go find you an outfit! *smiles as he reaches out to lift Jasmine up and carry her through to her room*

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